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Collection Contest - Minigame
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Collection Contest - Minigame
March 12, 2011 10:02:00pm
    Post: #1 
Collection Contest - Minigame
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Hey all,

As you probally all know, there is now a collection contest in the 'Games Corner'. It is called 'Collection Contest - [HOT]'.

* Each contest usually lasts about a week, but not always.
* There will be 3 prizes given out at the end of each contest. It will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd kind of thing.
* 1st place will recieve the best prize, 2nd will recieve the 2nd best prize and so on.
* Prizes for the contest are random but usually good prizes - possibly rares from time to time.
* Sometimes the prize contains a lot of coins or a medium amount.
* Each contest can last any time, but usually a week.
* For more information visit the collection contest page.

Happy collecting!

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