
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - News/Announcements < Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas
December 16, 2012 2:57:10pm
    Post: #1 
Merry Christmas

/sprites/LuminousRayquaza.png /sprites/LuminousDelibird.png

Merry Christmas - even though it isn't Christmas quite yet. There should be another Christmas because the apocalypse shouldn't be true at all but that is just my opinion.

Sorry I have not been very active, I have many exams next month that I don't want to mess up and coursework I want to do to the highest quality even though English/essay writing is my weakest point of all subjects.

Clan members (assuming they have earned the permission to invite other members) and clan owners can quickly invite a member via their profile page. You can thank Wantedninjaz for that.

When loaning pokemon, the level and EXP gained during the lending of the pokemon is displayed. Brilliant idea suggested by Mountain Dew.

Happiness now shows when clicking on the summary screen that appears when you click on one of the pokemon in your party (at the top). Thanks Ads20000 for the idea.

Origin country of an IP address is displayed in the IP logs.

Advent Calendar is available as well as Secret Santa. More explained there.

If you have any suggestions for the captcha, please post them. I will add algebra/math related captcha soon. The Greek alphabet is useful for science and maths which is often taught to people aged 16+.

I wish you well.

Da Man.

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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