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Pokemon Loaning and many updates
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Pokemon Loaning and many updates
October 16, 2011 7:28:45pm
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Loaning and many updates
Sup ladies and gentlemen,

I bring to you a few more updates that have been implemented in Pokemon Creed recently!

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Ever wanted to lend someone a pokemon but afraid that they won't return it? You can with a new feature - Pokemon Loans, it can be created through trades and the original owner can demand it back at any time after the time is over. The attatched items and TM moves are protected - I am working on a HELD training prize update which will be an improvement on the Pokemon Loans, more will be explained when I finish it.

Another thing that has been implemented in Creed is that by clicking on your pokemon name in your box/profile page, while managing your pokemon, you can change your moves, nickname, etc. without having to change starters so many times. Items/detatch all items is an idea that will be added later.

All the best,
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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