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Creed Bot, Kalos, Trades, Smelting
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Creed Bot, Kalos, Trades, Smelting
July 08, 2014 5:18:43pm (This post was last modified: July 08, 2014 5:41:43pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Creed Bot, Kalos, Trades, Smelting

Some juicy updates to announce.

Creed Bot has been fixed. You can now PM 'Creed Bot'. At the moment, Creed Bot can only understand basic queries but will reply almost instantly. Creed Bot is a highly sophisticated bot which helps ensure that Pokemon Creed is running smoothly.

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The Kalos region has been added. This includes its gyms and cities.

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There is a minor trade update where tags are shown. If one or more of your Pokemon has been included in the trades you have created (that are uncompleted), then a [T] will be shown next to these Pokemon.

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A smelting update has been implemented in the dungeons. It is a crafting skill. At the moment, only bronze and iron ore can be smelted. It is a crafting skill. Dungeon features are still quite limited and uncomplete.

Another update I have forgotten to mention is the animated userbars, one of which is the Elite Trainer userbar that was most recently added in. This userbar can only be unlocked by trainers who have beaten the Elite Four - which very few have managed to do - not surprising as beating the Elite Four is very challenging.
[you must login to view images]


Stay tuned for more updates. :) :)
Da Man.

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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