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Profile of Navid faiyaz

Navid faiyaz

Trainer #: 338514
Game Profile: Navid faiyaz
Rank: Member
Posts: 6
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Registration Date: January 14, 2014 8:25:22am

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The word "Nigga" doesn't mean a black person at all.It's real meaning is somone who is ignorant and/or acts like an idiot.People today thats down with Hip-Hop culture use the "N" word to show that there friends and respect each other.Taking the word "Nigger" and putting a deep street slang aith an A at the end,can fool somone to think its a black person.So that means anyone can be a nigga,no matter what race they are.Whether it'll be Latino,African American,Caucasion,Asian or even Indian.Rap stars today take advantage of the word,and thinks it means another brother.Its like saying "Yo,wassup ignoarnt?".The term "Nigger" however,is a completly different word.Nigger is an African-American person,that they can take as a racist remark from any race. You can also check :
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