
Pokemon Creed Forums > Profile of Sergio Storage
Reputation Report
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Reputation Report for Sergio Storage
Sergio Storage
(Creed Supporter)

Total Reputation: 6

Reputation from Members:
Positives: 6
Neutrals: 0
Negatives: 0
zarmax (18) - Last updated September 13, 2011 10:50:12am

Positive (+1): i wanted to rate you 2 times but i couldnt D: , so ill rate here: one of the most generous, kind, etc. creed players ever! he really is a sergio :P
cyberkiller (20) - Last updated July 14, 2011 4:10:39pm

Positive (+1): n-i-c-e-p-e-r-s-o-n
Dualot (174) - Last updated July 04, 2011 6:15:43pm

Positive (+1): you're a fake!
kakoi (26) - Last updated July 03, 2011 7:33:07pm

Positive (+1): you're still in the good side :)
JaanX (63) - Last updated July 03, 2011 2:13:02pm

Positive (+1): Sergio ish best
Talha55 (33) - Last updated July 03, 2011 12:13:22pm

Positive (+1): Ur still the best sergio

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