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Billions Training Center
June 12, 2012 12:07:18pm (This post was last modified: June 19, 2012 11:50:14am by Werx.)
    Post: #1 
Billions Training Center
Werx Training Center

I rate a billion at about 300 coins
50 k points = 1bil
100 k points = 2.5bil
I train for Pokemons map to just make your offers :)
Please change the moves to Bolt strike and Blizzard

Werx = Golurk lvl 5.4k
Monkey = Golurk lvl 12k

Especial Offer:
ShinyAron = 500mil exp
ShinyGoldeen = 750mil exp
Pokemon lvl 5 to 1000 = 250 coins !

Training format:
Pokemon Name:
Current Level:
Desire Level:

Loan Pokemon with the prize
If you need train please fill the form, if not i will ignore you.


Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 13, 2012 4:08:34am
    Post: #2 
BUMP !!!!!!

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 13, 2012 9:56:08am
    Post: #3 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 13, 2012 10:12:16am
    Post: #4 
You looking for helpers?

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June 13, 2012 10:58:32am
    Post: #5 
you mean 10k points=1bil exp


A 15 year old girl walk with her 1 year old son. People call her a slut. No one knows she was raped at age of 13.
People call a boy fat. No one knows he has a serious disease that caused him to be overweight.
People call an old man ugly. No one knows he got an injury on his face when fighting for our country in war.
People call a woman bald. But no one knows she has cancer.
Re-post this if your against bullying and stereotyping.
I bet 95% of the people won't.

Click below to take a wish!
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June 13, 2012 11:31:53am
    Post: #6 
Yep monkey i need just one helper :)

Hahahaha ty

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 13, 2012 10:26:41pm
    Post: #7 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 14, 2012 3:55:59am
    Post: #8 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 14, 2012 10:52:00pm
    Post: #9 
i have Toxic now so i start the fast train :)

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 15, 2012 2:39:47am
    Post: #10 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 15, 2012 8:27:28am
    Post: #11 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 16, 2012 10:42:51pm
    Post: #12 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 17, 2012 2:35:20am
    Post: #13 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 17, 2012 7:35:11am
    Post: #14 

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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June 17, 2012 9:56:33am
    Post: #15 
BUMP !!!!!!

Worst new: You take a dip... Wailord used Dream Eater. You recieved the pokemon Arceus! You wake up only to find that you actually got a Pok� Ball!
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