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October 04, 2012 12:00:06am
    Post: #1 
I want to know how do I get access to other gyms. I'm still not information. And want to know if it helps such passports and how they help.


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October 04, 2012 12:06:34am
    Post: #2 
After you have beaten the first set you have to go to the next region by airport

Pop goes the balloon.
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October 04, 2012 12:35:07am
    Post: #3 
to add to katiesmiles, you also need to earn enough money to buy the plane tickets to the next region. you need to beat all the gyms in one region before you can go the next one.
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October 04, 2012 12:56:44am
    Post: #4 
no you dont need to earn all gym badges when you go to other region

looking for people who will help to catch and train pokemon to sell if u help i can give u some profits

this is my storage acount everything for trade im poishis but yea all my
me and killertacoz sell sprites its true check this [you must login to view images] he does some every day
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October 04, 2012 6:49:10am
    Post: #5 
Why dont someone tell him/her where Airport is?
Go to your City first, After that CTRL+F and type in Airport, Then click on it to go to Airport.
And no, You dont need passport to take the Air/Plane.
If you need Money($$, Not coins) PM me.

Pokemoncreed's King/Queen
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I learn my rules from not learning the rules.

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October 04, 2012 8:30:15am
    Post: #6 
Yes you do need the badges of the region you are now to travel to the next region @ poshis :/

Don't help when you dont know by urself :/

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By Queenx
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October 04, 2012 3:55:45pm
    Post: #7 
In short, I need to buy a passport the next region. But another question: I have to buy the next region or have to buy the region's already got all the gyms? Already got all of Kanto ...
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