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comtest for the aurra clan members
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comtest for the aurra clan members
October 07, 2012 3:04:54pm (This post was last modified: October 09, 2012 2:35:56pm by yoshibuster09012.)
    Post: #1 
comtest for the aurra clan members
hi all the contest is to win a Bronzor ♂ - Level 225 and some money

Clan contest
ok for the part you have all been waiting for the contest ok the contest is you will be set into four groups with 3 to 4 people in each group (post what group you want to be in)i will put some questions down and the grops with the most answears correct go head to head with another group with the most answears correct the team that wins that then goes against each othere to battle it out who gets the prize

group a
group b
group c
group d

here is the question im thinking of 5 numbers from 1 to 30 ok pm me with what group your in or post and when all groups have sent it will go from their goo

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October 07, 2012 5:10:46pm
    Post: #2 
come on people
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