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Contest for Golurk lvl 6409 - Results in 2nd post
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Contest for Golurk lvl 6409 - Results in 2nd post
November 11, 2012 9:52:05pm (This post was last modified: December 03, 2012 8:38:25pm by Crixus91.)
    Post: #1 
Contest for Golurk lvl 6409 - Results in 2nd post
Hello fellow creed members :)

I'm holding a contest for my Golurk ♀ - Level 6409 with toxic and fly. The prize will be sent by zapdos, thanks for the support :)
The first phase will be to register.

Registration is now closed.
The first round is now opened. Please see my next post for it.

Don't participate with more than one account or you will be disqualified.

✔ = Guesses received

1. charliedabeast2011 - #167799 ✔
2. Jordan palmer - #207671
3. bennyboy987654321 - #186293 ✔
4. Jeffrey0 - #132537 ✔
5. llime9 - #55006 ✔
6. Jackson189 - #38211 ✔
7. Donbuttery - #147050 ✔
8. pokemonmandude - #174021
9. abdul555 - #179456 ✔
10. Hot Dog - #175840
11. LOTIO - #126001 ✔
12. mewmasterXD - #7763 ✔
13. Sorensen03 - #115239 ✔
14. Sergio - #18000 ✔
15. Morioka - # 212255 ✔
16. pokemonXmaster1 - #8840 ✔
17. Jloguns - #81709 ✔
18. kade - #194998
19. OnyxFlame - #198439 ✔
20. DRAGON KILLAH - #93008 ✔
21. artinny1 - #174668 ✔
22. -
23. alejanquq14 - #175617 ✔
24. b1ackout - #182382 ✔
25. xyoyo4 - #88946 ✔
26. jack73355 - #205384 ✔
27. tyson007 - #105678 ✔
28. Jarenn - #100391 ✔
29. MT66 - #114339
30. majisa - #168081 ✔
31. kray - #214927 ✔
32. tyizor - #113124 ✔
33. 1dogzilla - #59638 ✔
34. monkey - #4298 ✔
35. asd101 - #207515
36. evanjan - #148327
37. Sumit06 -#120925 ✔
38. PokemonMaster312 -#141003 ✔
39. celine94 - #154757 ✔
40. jamjov - #35623 ✔
41. poke might - #108967 ✔
42. blackheartwarrior - #85489 ✔
43. Macboy98 - #113799 ✔
44. nahim - #141235 ✔
45. thohir10 - #188881 ✔
46. Arvindr - #166200 ✔
47. UltraCloud - #82763
48. Pokemaster302 #204932
49. Juntos - #217656 ✔
50. Yo man 3567 - #85931 ✔
51. saagar - #183660 ✔
52. RichKidDre - #111790 ✔
53. Silent Jizzer - #116521 ✔
54. tycoon999 - #182659 ✔
55. muhannadblubber - #160375 ✔
56. Soul666 - #169088 ✔
57. xpietju - #105363 ✔
58. screwballlue - #215815
59. becbec - #173763
60. Hitman41 - #157621 ✔
61. LegendaryTamers - #63062 ✔
Good luck! Ω

"Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding"
~Aizen to Hitsugaya.
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November 11, 2012 9:52:25pm (This post was last modified: December 03, 2012 8:36:47pm by Crixus91.)
    Post: #2 
Contest for Golurk - Level 6409 w/ toxic - Round 2
The first Round:

Only people on the list can enter.
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10.
Send me a PM with 5 numbers between 1 and 10
Please choose a subject like: 'Round 1 Guesses'.
separate each numbers with a comma (,) or put each new number onto a new line.
Only 1 pm for each person.
It's a 50/50 chance one of your 5 numbers will be the number I'm thinking of.
I won't reply to your guesses.
The people who guess the right number will enter the next round.
They will be announced once everyone sent me a guess.

Thanks Dualot for the idea :)

Round 1 ended.

People in Round 2 :

1. alejanquq14 - #175617
2. Arvindr - #166200
3. Morioka - #212255
4. RichKidDre - #111790
5. mewmasterXD - #7763
6. Sumit06 - #120925
7. blackheartwarrior - #85489
8. Xyoyo4 - #88946
9. 1dogzilla - #59638
10. thohir10 - #188881
11. abdul555 - #179456
12. celine94 - #154757
13. Macboy98 - #113799
14. jackson189 - #38211
15. sorensen03 - #115239
16. bennyboy987654321 - #186293
17. tycoon999 - #182659
18. LegendaryTamers - #63062

Last Round : Round 2
Only the users above can enter.
This is gonna be the last round. And the task will beeeeee.....
Answer a bunch of chemical and biological questions!
For each answer you get points, depending on if the answer is right and how detailed it is.
Whoever gets the most points, will win the contest.
PM me all your answers in One pm ( 2 pms if the message is too long )
Please choose a subject like " Answers for your contest".

The Questions

1) What is the name of this molecule : [you must login to view links] ?
2) What happens, if you take a Fructose - solution and add hydrochloric acid and resorcin to it ?
3) What happens, if you take a Lithium - solution and add NaOH and a phosphat ?
4) How many electrons does Fe2+ have?
5) What are the power stations of a cell ?
6) Which organelles of a plant cell have a double membrane ?
7) What is the name of the process, in which a single-cell organism absorbs foreign substences of the outside?
8) What happens within a plant cell, if you put a sated salt solution on it ?
9) What is the highest enlargement of an light microscope for highest quality?
10) Which area inside a leaf has the most choloroplasts ?
11) What is the name of the part inside a leaf, which let's in CO2 and other gases?
12) What is the difference between a rudimentary organ and a atavism ?
13) What was the evolutionary theory of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck ?
14) What is the main component of cotton ?
15) Why does starch color blue when you put iodine solution on it ?
16) What can split cellulose molecules?
17) What does cellulose consist of ?
18) If you split saccharose, what do you get ?
19) Solve this chemical equation ( easy) : 2Co + 2O2 ↔
20) Solve this chemical equation ( medium) : SrO + h2O ↔
21) If a aliphatic acid and an alcohol react, what develops?
22) What is the lock-and-key model in the biology and where do you find it?
23) What is a ion trap ? Explain with an example
24) Can cells live without a cell nucleus?
25) What was the origin of life?

Those are the questions! They're not easy, but the prize should be worth it.
Deadline is December the 3rd, I will see how many answers I've got until then.
Good luck to the 18 people!

Round 2 ends now. The winner will be announced
I have checked all the answers, and I gave 1 point for each correct answer, 1/2 point if it was partly correct.

And the winner is ...... Arvindr!

The Points list:
Arvindir : 21 points
Morioka : 18.5 points
Macboy98 : 18 points
Xyoyo4 : 15.5 points
blackheartwarrior : 7.5 points
thohir10 : 6.5 points
abdul555 : 4 points
alejanquq14 : 2 points

Congratulations Arvindr, zapdos will send you the prize.

I hope you all enjoyed it, better luck next time for those who didn't win :)

"Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding"
~Aizen to Hitsugaya.
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November 11, 2012 9:55:00pm
    Post: #3 
username: charliedabeast2011
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November 11, 2012 9:55:20pm
    Post: #4 
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November 11, 2012 9:59:12pm
    Post: #5 
ID: 186293
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November 11, 2012 10:00:10pm
    Post: #6 
Username: Jeffrey0
Trainer ID: #132537

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November 11, 2012 10:00:16pm
    Post: #7 
ID: 55006

Nice contest:D

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November 11, 2012 10:00:33pm
    Post: #8 
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November 11, 2012 10:01:03pm
    Post: #9 
Donbuttery #147050
Thanks for the contest I hope I win :)

Check out mine and hitmans training gym great rates [you must login to view links]

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November 11, 2012 10:01:08pm
    Post: #10 
ID: 174021

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November 11, 2012 10:01:11pm
    Post: #11 
Id: #179456
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November 11, 2012 10:02:13pm
    Post: #12 
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November 11, 2012 10:02:24pm
    Post: #13 
Username: LOTIO
ID: #126001
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November 11, 2012 10:09:15pm
    Post: #14 
Username: mewmasterXD
ID: 7763

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[you must login to view images]

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all made by Sumit06

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made by DarkMew
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November 11, 2012 10:15:44pm
    Post: #15 
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