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Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Ideas/Suggestions < [Comment Please] Distortion World Map
[Comment Please] Distortion World Map
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[Comment Please] Distortion World Map
February 28, 2013 5:26:46pm (This post was last modified: February 28, 2013 9:34:12pm by Mysterious Stranger.)
    Post: #1 
[Comment Please] Distortion World Map
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April 03, 2013 10:37:08pm
    Post: #2 
Uh bad design for a pokemon creed map but i think you should put the mystical trio to it if Da Man does add it

Give 1 rep if you like give netural if you dont agree

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April 03, 2013 11:26:01pm
    Post: #3 
Good idea. I noticed some thing though, all of the suggestions that you don't allow all screw up the economy. We really need new maps. And I agree with you on not having a higher chance of getting coloured Pokémon there, as it would make them less valuable. 9/10

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April 04, 2013 12:59:05am
    Post: #4 
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April 06, 2013 2:23:38am
    Post: #5 
well i dont think that would be a good idea as da man is designing some program so we can make our own maps

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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April 06, 2013 2:39:39am
    Post: #6 
Not a really good idea, I think it's a bit too much coding. And the world you set as an example sounds pretty laggy. I rate the idea 4/10.

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April 06, 2013 2:58:17am
    Post: #7 
Honestly the lag would b the least of da problems. Theres the rarity drop too

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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