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Big Bang nearby u
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Big Bang nearby u
April 13, 2013 10:30:11am (This post was last modified: April 16, 2013 3:29:03pm by ash20111.)
    Post: #1 
Big Bang nearby u
It is related to science .
how were the first atoms made ?
Ur answers might be : read the big bang story .
i already know it , it was due to the fusion of hydrogen and helium atoms .
but how were they formed ? still unanswered
some of very smart creed players would say : they were formed by energy packets .
my question has still a part left there : how were energy packets formed ? i need the ultimate answer .
i had been asking others this question for over 3 yrs .

Prize : a big thanz from me and my frnds buti don't think it easy to get it .

if u are going to copy and paste the contents from a site , rater just post the site name and a screenshot .

These would be considered sapmming
if u don't know the answer Don't post more than 20 letters
if u want to know the answers than also Don't post more than 35 letters .lol
Don't copy and post the what i / others said .
staffs are there not for but for punishment giving

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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May 05, 2013 12:36:51pm
    Post: #2 
any1 answer plz

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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May 11, 2013 7:41:37am
    Post: #3 
[ any1 ? answers?

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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May 14, 2013 9:16:12pm
    Post: #4 
I myself don't know exactly (as we haven't reached this part in our science books yet) but I have one piece of crucial advice, my curious friend.

Use google. Google is your friend.
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May 26, 2013 11:41:38pm
    Post: #5 
they were formed by the big bang and also from some supernovas from what i have heard, i have been looking into a science major but haven't thought about this :P

I'm a nub, don't judge me -.-
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May 27, 2013 8:07:20am
    Post: #6 
Use Google..
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May 27, 2013 9:31:13pm
    Post: #7 
Internet is here,you should directly search it yourself
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May 28, 2013 8:48:57am
    Post: #8 
It has been suggested that this article be split into multiple articles. (Discuss) Proposed since January 2013.
Native Americans

Joseph Brant by Gilbert Stuart 1786.jpg Sequoyah.jpg Pushmataha high resolution.jpg
Tecumseh02.jpg Touch the Clouds 1877a.jpg Sitting Bull.jpg
ChiefJoseph.jpeg Charles eastman smithsonian gn 03462a.jpg Billy Bowlegs III.jpg
Jim Thorpe football.png WilmaMankillerByPhilKonstantin.jpg JohnBHarrington.jpg
Native Americans of the United States
(from left to right by row):

Joseph Brant · Sequoyah · Pushmataha
Tecumseh · Touch the Clouds · Sitting Bull
Chief Joseph · Charles Eastman · Billy Bowlegs III
Jim Thorpe · Wilma Mankiller · John Herrington
Total population
American Indian and Alaska Native (2010 Census Bureau)[1]
One race: 2,932,248 are registered.
In combination with one or more of the other races listed: 2,288,331.
Total: 5,220,579.
Regions with significant populations
Predominantly in the Western United States

American English, Native American languages, Spanish

Native American Church
Roman Catholic
Russian Orthodox
Traditional Ceremonial Ways
(Unique to Specific Tribe or Band)
Related ethnic groups

Indigenous peoples of the Americas

Native Americans in the United States are the indigenous peoples in North America within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States, Alaska, and the island state of Hawaii. They are composed of numerous, distinct Native American tribes and ethnic groups, many of which survive as intact political communities. The terms used to refer to Native Americans have been controversial. According to a 1995 U.S. Census Bureau set of home interviews, most of the respondents with an expressed preference refer to themselves as American Indians (or simply Indians – see Native American name controversy), and this term has been adopted by major newspapers and some academic groups; however, this term does not typically include Native Hawaiians or certain Alaskan Natives, such as Aleut, Yup'ik, or Inuit peoples.

Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to the Americas, and their importation of Africans as slaves, has led to centuries of conflict and adjustment between Old and New World societies. Europeans created most of the early written historical record about Native Americans after the colonists' immigration to the Americas.[2] Many Native Americans lived as hunter-gatherer societies and told their histories by oral traditions. In many groups, women carried out sophisticated cultivation of numerous varieties of staple crops: maize, beans and
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May 28, 2013 10:04:28am
    Post: #9 
supaskulled , cardjumper3 , kurugane07 - i have been searching for over 3 years . why don't u get me the site name , i would give u a reward . i already said
pokepop - how that big bang happened , u must have read it full
csk - what were u saying or spamming

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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May 29, 2013 5:41:40am
    Post: #10 
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June 09, 2013 8:51:49am
    Post: #11 
this is very interesting! :)
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June 24, 2013 6:53:00pm
    Post: #12 
About 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. At the point of this event all of the matter and energy of space was contained at one point. What exisisted prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation. This occurance was not a conventional explosion but rather an event filling all of space with all of the particles of the embryonic universe rushing away from each other. The Big Bang actually consisted of an explosion of space within itself unlike an explosion of a bomb were fragments are thrown outward. The galaxies were not all clumped together, but rather the Big Bang lay the foundations for the universe. ~Google ftw
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