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Potatoes or Carrots
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Potatoes or Carrots
April 20, 2013 9:39:39pm
    Post: #1 
Potatoes or Carrots
Which is better , potatoes or carrots? If one ruled the day one day then I think Carrots would be more lethal. Which one tastes better? My friend tried to smoke a potato once but he couldn't because its like impossible , if you have ever smoked a potato then reply to this , because I find it impossible , even the though of smoking a potato... Carrots are also good but they are like meh but mashed potatoes are like yeh. If you understood any of this then congrats. If you find this useful then give me all your moneyz. Oh one more thing I hate is autocorrect -.- they detect like everything I type and say its wrong , wow that has nothing to do with potatoes or carrots. Alright , bye :)

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April 24, 2013 2:27:08am
    Post: #2 
Potatoes beat carrots, anyday anytime.
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April 24, 2013 2:37:16am
    Post: #3 
I like potatoes, but you know whats better? MY MOM SWEET POTATOES! Although, I need lots and lots of carrots.

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April 24, 2013 8:50:00am
    Post: #4 
I used to love carrots, but now that I'm older, potatoes are better. You can do way more to a potato than a carrot.

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April 24, 2013 12:54:43pm
    Post: #5 
i dont realy care what i get as long as the carrots arent boiled im fine boiled or cooked carrots are nasty.
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April 24, 2013 1:06:29pm
    Post: #6 
I prefer potatoes over carrots, I sometimes can't stand carrots...
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April 24, 2013 1:13:09pm
    Post: #7 
Carrots and Potatoes, why do I have to choose between my ultimate Faves!?
I'd go with making mashed potatoes with carrot slices! xD

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May 01, 2013 10:25:58pm
    Post: #8 
Its my personal opinion that potatoes are far way better then carrots. I love carrots but I mean potatoes can be made into many different things, now I know carrots can too but come on who doesn't love french fries, potatoes salad, and mashed potatoes they are all so dang yummy
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May 01, 2013 10:40:25pm
    Post: #9 
Potatoes can be possibly changed into a lot of things but I have to go with carrots because they are really healthy for you and they improve your eyesight which is also good!
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May 01, 2013 10:48:22pm
    Post: #10 
i used to hate both, but as i got older, i started liking potatoes. now i love them, but i still feel like puking with carrots...
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May 01, 2013 10:49:26pm
    Post: #11 
I say Potatoes
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May 01, 2013 10:49:53pm
    Post: #12 
potatoes because I like chips and I like french fries more than carrots.
If babies eat carrots all the time, they turn orange, so i dont like carrots

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May 01, 2013 10:50:02pm
    Post: #13 
But then again Carrots are good for you lol
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May 01, 2013 10:51:10pm
    Post: #14 
I mean, like Carrots are good for you, but they aren't as great as potatoes in my opinion :p

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May 01, 2013 10:56:04pm
    Post: #15 
hmm true i guess eaither one is good d;
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