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We Honour The Fallen
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We Honour The Fallen
April 24, 2013 4:53:39pm
    Post: #1 
We Honour The Fallen
In the shadows of time our great nation was born on a battlefield so far away
Courage, sacrifice and bravery were forged on that first ANAZC Day
From the sands and shores of Turkey, stained crimson with ANAZAC Blood
To the trenches of France and the fields of hell where they died in the ice and the mud

They fought for our freedom, they answered the call, they paid the ultimate cost
They gave up their lives without a thought for themselves, so many young lives lost
The heart was torn out of a nation yet still they answered that call
They continued to charge and continued to fight as one by one they would fall

On April 25th, we remember, all those brave, who fought, served and died
We remember the sacrifice, the pain, the courage, the tears and the pride
We remember all of the fallen and those that never returned
The heroes, the forgotten, the unknown, the lessons must be learned

For now we play football on ANZAC Day, a sea of black, white and red
But this day is not about football, it is a time to remember our dead
So when the G falls in to that eerie silence, just take a minute or two
And remember all of those brave who have protected both me and you

It is thanks to all those who defend our land, our skies and protect our sea
Thats why we stand here at the football and live our lives being so free
It is why our country is so great with values we hold true
It is why our flag flies freely under skies that are so blue

An old digger once told me these haunting words his body all tired and sore
Anyone who says football is like a battle well they ‘aint’ never been to war.
See war is full of pain and hurt and death and blood and strife
In football we complain about losing four points, where in war you lose your life

We know Football is not a war but those traits from heroes past
Can be put display on ANZAC Day as our footballers stand fast
Mateship, sacrifice, the will to win, bravery and pride
Stick by each other through thick and thin and stand there side by side

Enjoy the game, I know I will, but take time to pay respect
As the last post calls them one more time with a daunting eerie affect
Remember why we are here and how we are forever in their debt
We will always remember.... LEST WE FORGET

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April 26, 2013 7:31:56am
    Post: #2 
We Honour The Falcon #97325

Livet pa en pinne...
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