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Gary's Raticate
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Gary's Raticate
May 02, 2013 1:35:24am
    Post: #1 
Gary's Raticate
Ok so I'm sure some of you have seen or read this before but there is a theory about Gary's Raticate in Pokémon Red/Blue or Firered/Leafgreen. So here I go , in a simple way. Gary had a Raticate when he battled the player on the S.S. Anne. However , little to your attention he NEVER uses this Raticate ever again. In Lavender Town (the next place you battle him) he states something about a dead Pokémon of his. This Pokémon is definitely thought to be Raticate. The Raticate that YOU killed. He rushed to a PokeCenter to heal his Raticate , but it was too late... Raticate was dead. How do you feel that YOU were the villain of Pokémon Red? So what's your opinion? I tried to sum it up the best I could , reply your thoughts.

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May 02, 2013 2:43:13am
    Post: #2 
Wow soo Trainer Red killed his Raticate lol thats funny
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May 02, 2013 2:49:43am
    Post: #3 
I killed it? I wouldn't kill anything! 0_o What are you accusing me of?! I didn't do anything! I'm not responsible, its not my fault..

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May 02, 2013 7:29:31am
    Post: #4 
lol, actually it was his fault of trying to battle me, the ever so powerful protagonist in the game
I feel sad for his Raticate though, it seems liike it didn't like Gary...
If you look at the level of Gary's Raticate in S.S. Anne, it was a bit, under-leveled for the evolution... so that means Gary forced Raticate to evolve just to be stronger.
So, in reality. The under-leveled Raticate tried his best to impress his master but died because he wasn't cut out for it yet and that his trainer was just a power-hungry jerk that doesn't even feel considerate for his pokemon until its too late.|

~The End~

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May 02, 2013 11:15:19am
    Post: #5 
Lol I never thought to deeply on this topic but I do agree with bourne he must have force - evolved it to make him stronger but it didn't do anything except for help him on his way to death.
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May 02, 2013 11:54:08pm
    Post: #6 
I've never heard of this one before. Now I have to play my copy of red and pay better attention.

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May 02, 2013 11:57:09pm
    Post: #7 
I've never heard of that one too. But if that is somehow true, then 'childhood=destroyed'. xP
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May 08, 2013 1:00:07pm
    Post: #8 
Yes! I finally killed a pokemon, all those times faintin pokemon, i finally killed one!
And not only that, it was my rival's! Haha XD lol jk
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May 08, 2013 1:31:23pm
    Post: #9 
wow, never thought of it like that XD guess pokemon really do die. well, sorry for his loss. just hope the same thing happens to all wild pokemon I never want to encounter. now that, would be nice. XD
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June 11, 2013 3:30:11pm
    Post: #10 
thats just evil, i never thought about that, i always hoped while playing that game that none of my pokemon died, and now i know i killed one,i feel bad
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June 11, 2013 3:45:17pm
    Post: #11 
I did not saw this happened while I was playing red maybe I should go and play it again to see for myself.
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June 11, 2013 4:26:25pm
    Post: #12 
I mean Gary's ratiticate wouldn't be dead if he didn't battle it correct? Plus maybe he should brought stronger Pokemon to the S.S. Anne I mean I technically though all Pokemon who lose in battle just faint I didn't know any of them actually die but lets all show some respect for the falling soldier which is Garry's ratiticate
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June 11, 2013 4:33:04pm
    Post: #13 
The Raticate died via Nuzlocking. I think about Gary evolving his Pokemon early so they wouldn't get killed, and it's pretty sad that the Raticate was killed. You guys are the real jerks. Go to Mewtwo's Cave and get yourself killed, jerk.

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June 11, 2013 4:35:12pm
    Post: #14 
I hear about this before and yeah thats creepy letting ur pokemon die.
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June 11, 2013 4:44:11pm
    Post: #15 
Holy crap... I never wanted to be a killer

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