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Digimon:: A New Dawn (A Pokemon-Journey RP)
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Digimon:: A New Dawn (A Pokemon-Journey RP)
July 15, 2013 7:12:35am (This post was last modified: July 15, 2013 6:33:38pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #1 
Digimon:: A New Dawn (A Pokemon-Journey RP)
You are going to be a new Tamer soon,though you don't know this.You are at camp, doing...Well, whatever, and suddenly the weather goes bezerk!!It's snowing...In the middle of July?You follow the crowd over to a cliff.Bubbles come up, then they pop.Out of them comes a Digi-vice.A weird wave of water comes up and sweeps you in.You wake up to find yourself in a new world, along with a weird little thing, called a digimon.

Starters: (I will address your moves once you fill out the form.)

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Species: Veemon
Type: Dragon
Rank: Rookie

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Species: Agumon
Type: Reptile
Rank: Rookie

[you must login to view images]

Species: Patamon
Type: Mammal
Rank: Rookie
Owner: NessUnderling

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Species: Coronamon
Type: Beast
Rank: Rookie

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Species: Lunamon
Type: Mammal
Rank: Rookie

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Species: Terriermon
Type: Beast
Rank: Rookie

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Species: Lopmon
Type: Virus
Rank: Rookie
Owner: lilpikachu313


1. Know the basics.
2. This is digimon in a pokemon journey,not the other way around.Basically,no pokemon references.
3. The most digimon you can have at a time is 3.To catch a Digimon,you have to have a DigiBlock.

lilpikachu313 - Admin
NessUnderling - Admin


Appearance: (Optional)
Bio: (One sentence at least.)


Name: Mizuki L. Kami
Age: 14
Nature: Jolly,Lonely,Timid; Can't resist treasure.Loves animals.
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Bio: He was seperated from his sister at birth.Upon finding this out,he ran away from his parents whom adopted him, in search of her.He thinks having a partner might help.
Digimon: Lopmon; Moves: Blazing Ice, Petit Twister, Double Typhoon, Lop Rush

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2013 3:05:33pm
    Post: #2 
(Derp, derp, derp :3)
Name: Yugi Moto
Gender: M
Age: 15
Nature: Bold, Bashful; Likes games.
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Bio: Lived in a game store since 7 years of age, and his grandpa kicked him out to camp.
Digimon: [you must login to view images]

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July 15, 2013 5:10:51pm
    Post: #3 
I know too little about digimon DX so i'll just stay out of this RPs way....

My favorite ghirahim quote

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July 15, 2013 6:28:20pm (This post was last modified: July 15, 2013 6:31:40pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #4 
Digimon:: A New Dawn (A Pokemon-Journey RP)
((It's basically pokemon,just with digimon. =P I'll help any new guys out along the way.))
((Patamon's moves: Air Shot, Tai Atari, Hane Binta, and Air Slam))

"H-Hi there..."

"What the... Are you a talking bunny?!"

"Oh heavens no...My name is Lopmon,and-and- I'm a Digimon."

"Wow...Maybe...Hmm...I'm Mizuki.I'm looking for my sister- but not too sure who she is.Can you help me?"

"O-Okay...Why not?"

"Alright!Woohoo!Lets go!"

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2013 7:14:44pm
    Post: #5 
"Oh... Man, I must be dreaming.. A flying hamster..." Yugi muttered. "Oh, no, I'm no flying hamster! I'm Patamon!" Patamon said. "Where am I? Is this some type of prank?" "Prank? No!" "Are you sure?" Yugi asked, and Patamon nodded. Yugi got up, and held Patamon in his arms. "Well, umm, hi.. I'm Yugi." Yugi said. Patamon pointed to the his jacket. There was latched a Navy blue device.

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July 15, 2013 7:21:23pm
    Post: #6 
"I'm looking for my sister,too.Her name is Terriermon, but I can't find her..."

"Hey, another person!And a flying... Hamster...?"

"Yes, Patamon is indeed, a flying, idiotic, hamster.(Whatever a hamster is...)"

"...Just like you're a talking BUNNY!"


Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2013 7:37:12pm
    Post: #7 
"Look! A bunny!" Yugi says, pointing to Lopmon. "DERP! Hello Lopmon! Are you a bunny, cuz I'm a HAMSTER!!!" "Stupid much?"

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July 15, 2013 7:47:04pm
    Post: #8 
"Ugh, I don't have time for this... Come on, Mizuki.My Tamer is going to be better than yours!Because guess what?We're competing in the, uhh..., Normal tournament!Yeah, we're that powerful."


"No time to explain!We need to get to Tamer Home."


Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2013 7:59:34pm
    Post: #9 
"A talking bunny!" Yugi says. "Yeah! Us too! We're tougher!" Patamon yells. "C'mon, Yugi" Patamon grabs Yugi and storms away.

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