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Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < Defenitely a 18+ movie..
Defenitely a 18+ movie..
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Defenitely a 18+ movie..
July 19, 2013 11:32:57am
    Post: #1 
Defenitely a 18+ movie..
Law Abiding Citizen..

Its about a man who lost his family when two guys murdered his wife + child and tight him up and let him watch.. One of the murderers gets the death penalty, the other one gets out of jail in 10years, then the action begins.. Payback time by the husband.

Its an amazing story, it gets a little bit out of hand at the end tho, that way you hope the husband dies, but then again, its amazing what he does and what would you do if that happened to you? Seriously a 10/10 movie.


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July 19, 2013 12:32:58pm
    Post: #2 
i will defenetly gonna try and whatch it.
it sound like a good story. but then again there are more movies with the same story or a bit different.
so i might have seen it already but i probebly forgot the name :D

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July 20, 2013 2:44:15pm
    Post: #3 
Look it up at tho, to read more reviews & whos in it and whats it about.. Seriously one of my favorite movies.
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July 21, 2013 12:08:47pm
    Post: #4 
sounds cool i might have to check it out at some point
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July 21, 2013 1:25:45pm
    Post: #5 
that sounds very violent, i usually dont watch those kinds of movies and i probably wont watch this one either.. but i can tell my brothers about it maybe they will like it ^^
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July 21, 2013 5:56:34pm
    Post: #6 
I like comedy movies so I'm not sure I'd like this one I like funny movies like happy gilmore

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July 21, 2013 6:17:01pm
    Post: #7 
I like this movie because it has lots of horror and raises people's supence super high and it a good movie for people to watch
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July 27, 2013 1:26:33pm
    Post: #8 
This is defenitely not a comedy movie at all.. Theres just an amazing story in the movie but its gets harder and harder.. I like all kind of movies tho, but they should be good otherwise i dont watch them haha =) If people like action even a little bit, watch this movie!
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