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Beyblade: Legend Of The Gem Bladers
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Beyblade: Legend Of The Gem Bladers
July 22, 2013 6:25:40am (This post was last modified: July 22, 2013 7:01:08am by Luke Ace.)
    Post: #1 
Beyblade: Legend Of The Gem Bladers
You are a Blader destined to become a gemstone beyblade master there is 6 bladers and they need to stop the evil Emerald gem blader and bring her to justice. Can you stop her? Can you change evil to good? Lets find out!

Violence will be tolerated
Romance at least alittle
No godmod, powerplay of any kind
No disrespect
No bad grammer

Gem Beyblades:
Emerald: Mine!!!


Beyblade: Emerald Star (You choose name of the gem bey.)
Bio: She gets told she can`t do anything right, but now she found something she is good at which was beyblade, she got taken over by dark power and she can`t stop herself.
Appearance: Emerald green top, black leather jacket, emerald colored shorts, blonde hair, sky blue eyes, Sport Sketchers.
Personality: Most of the time she is hyper but when she battles she is calm, and determined to win..

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July 23, 2013 3:13:54am
    Post: #2 
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