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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow Gemstones
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow Gemstones
August 20, 2013 3:25:13am (This post was last modified: August 20, 2013 6:23:54pm by Luke Ace.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow Gemstones

One peaceful day there were 6 gems in all keeping the world with color which are: Golden, Rainbow, Bronze, Normal, Luminous, Silver. Also named: Sapphire,Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Onyx, Apthrodite. Then suddenly the world starts turning black all around this means the gems are corrupted! The shadow pokemon have been released. Can you stop them or will they be able to control you? What will you do?


Good grammar
Respect staff
No god mod or powerplay
Have fun!


Owners: Mango Dolphin, Luke Ace
Super mod: Lil pika, Ness
Mod: Lugia, Blarrf


Species: Leafeon
Age: 18
Appearance: Slender body, with a leafy tail, forest green eyes, emerald necklace, leaf ears, brown nose.
Biography: She used to live in the forest but suddenly it started going black so she decided to do something about it. Also she has a family spread out all over the world.
Levelmax is 90) 84
Moves: Iron tail, solarbeam, quick attack, synthesis.
Ability: Synchronise
Item: Miracle Seed
Partner: (whoever joins first please be my partner.)
(your turn)


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August 20, 2013 4:28:42pm
    Post: #2 
I have to say, although not as advanced you still did a pretty good job. Might want to add a bit more storyline, or you can create it as you go.

As for me, I don't really feel like joining right now. It's morning for me.

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

[you must login to view links] - I love this song very so.
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August 20, 2013 6:19:15pm
    Post: #3 
Its ok i will edit
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August 21, 2013 7:19:22am
    Post: #4 
I'd join, it's just that I'm on my 3DS right now, and I wouldn't be able to fill out the form correctly, so, yeah.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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August 22, 2013 7:37:02pm
    Post: #5 
(I Made this with my dsi.)
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August 29, 2013 6:21:32pm
    Post: #6 
Nickname:[scanning....Nothing found in Data banks relating to "Nickname"]
Species: Magikarp
AgeAge to me isnt that big of a deal i find it same as level) 30
Gender: Male
Appearance: a magikarp that was once owned by a Crazy scientist who replaced its 1 eye with a technologetic eye so i am able to scan other pokemon to see what they are and what their emotions are.
Bio: was once a test subject and was turned into a Cyborg by a crazy scientist using Magikarps because aparently they are weak. i was the only survivor of the 500 used in the experaments i fleed as fast as possible into a lake, i never saw that man again.
Level: 30
Moves: Splash, Tackle, Lock On(Due to Cyborg eye)
Ability: None (ALSO due to the experament.)
Item: none
Partner: None [you must login to view images] sorry about size i couldn't find a smaller one >.<

My favorite ghirahim quote

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[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

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August 30, 2013 12:53:18am
    Post: #7 
aCCEpted and you may start
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August 30, 2013 1:27:11am
    Post: #8 
Magikarp swims about other aquotic pokemon stareing at him stragely

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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August 30, 2013 5:35:41am
    Post: #9 
(Suddenly the water turns black and shadow water pokemon come and out of nowhere a leafeon appears running and uses solarbeam knocking them all out.) She says "Are you alright?" "You hurt anywhere?" (Suddenly a Kyogre that is black appears out of the mist.) Emerald looks at it "We have to fight it now!"
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August 30, 2013 12:31:15pm
    Post: #10 
Magikarp nods "Understood" he says in a robotic voice "Magikarp SPLASH!!!!" Magikarp yells splashing it :3

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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August 31, 2013 1:52:48am
    Post: #11 
Leafeon said "Take this!!!" A solarbeam hit the kyogre. The kyogre used hydro cannon.
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September 02, 2013 7:56:46pm
    Post: #12 
All of a sudden, a Lucario jumps out of nowhere and uses Aura Beam. "Hi," it says. (I'm the Lucario!)
Nicname: Lucar
Appearance:looks like a regular Lucario except has a scar nearmy right eye
Biography:saw my friend lose his color so started to fight the corruption
Moves: Aura Beam, Sky Uppercut, Blue Flare, Close Combat
Ability: Cursed Body
Item: Oran Berry

[you must login to view images]Like a boss

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September 06, 2013 12:06:52am
    Post: #13 
Accepted but dont just pop in again.
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September 06, 2013 10:09:49pm
    Post: #14 
ok, thanks!

[you must login to view images]Like a boss

Click below to take a wish!
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September 08, 2013 5:08:59pm
    Post: #15 
A leafeon ran over to the lucario with speed of light almost but she said want to be in my exploration team?
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