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About training
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About training
September 18, 2013 11:44:53am
    Post: #1 
About training
Iam very troubled about training,so if anyone knows how to train fast then pm me or message here....pleasee

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September 18, 2013 12:29:01pm
    Post: #2 
NPC fights will help you out there Intermediate Trainers are your best bet
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September 18, 2013 1:31:21pm
    Post: #3 
battle with Mysterious Trainer if you defeat Mysterious Trainer you can train your pokemon fast
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September 18, 2013 1:31:48pm
    Post: #4 
wrong section to post this thread.Anyway go to
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Questions/Help < [Guides & Help] - Guides to help you! and read training guide it'll explain all you need to know
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September 19, 2013 11:50:05pm
    Post: #5 
To train fast, you're going to need the following.
- TM Toxic: May seem expensive at first, but it is necessary for Mysterious Trainer.
- Golett/Golurk: You don't have to use these as a main, but they are a great help in Training since they're immune to Hyper Beam and Thunderbolt.
- Fly: Fly is a helpful move in training, to obtain this move, you must beat zapmolcuno, if you can't beat them, i' m pretty sure there is someone who could help you.
- Moveset: Megahorn, Fly, Blizzard, Toxic.

To get to Mysterious trainer, you go to Dark Alley which is located at your City/Town. You will need all 40 badges to be able to battle the trainer.

Mysterious Trainer is the strongest NPC in the game, 10x your highest. This is why you need Toxic, you only need to beat 1 then restart. Use Toxic, then use Fly and Megahorn until you kill the first Mew. Hope this has helped you in any way.

Thanks Jeffrey0
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September 20, 2013 8:06:47am
    Post: #6 
wow nice phoenix , btb it should be in qn/ help .

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September 20, 2013 3:11:33pm
    Post: #7 
Chck this guide...everything is there

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