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Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < How can i?
How can i?
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How can i?
September 26, 2013 1:36:05pm
    Post: #1 
How can i?
i haven't noticed that im being such a dumbas cause i got a load full of work and i am not going anywhere yet because i was so hooked by random swapping. can somebody tell me how to manage this kind of addiction.

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September 26, 2013 1:50:36pm
    Post: #2 
a load full of work? like iimportant work or not? if its improtant just stop random swapping and continue after its not that important

Training 20/b
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September 26, 2013 1:54:27pm
    Post: #3 
get a life. if you think the game is consuming you then stop and think for a while.. you might need some time and when you do think that this is just to relax then go and play it again.. this should not ruin your life.
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September 29, 2013 2:31:59pm
    Post: #4 
Best way to stop it would be to remind urself of ur work. If its real life work thats very important, then do what need to be done first, and then go ahead and play. remember, this game is only a passtime, and should not inconvenience you in anyway in your real life.
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September 30, 2013 8:25:38pm
    Post: #5 
Stop random swapping because it does not benefit your gameplay whatsoever. Also, work > Pokemon. Just remember that.
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October 01, 2013 2:50:27am
    Post: #6 
work should always come first. That is what pays for your food, you electricity, your water....everything (or at least I assume it does;I'm just assuming you are the soul provider for your household. Sorry if that isn't true). Without that job, you aren't gonna be able to play pokemon at all because you won't be able to afford the games or the internet, so get your work done first. ^-^
I'm sorry if I sound like I am lecturing. I have actually been having the same issue myself only with my college work vs video games. @.@
Its very hard to put the playing on hold sometimes, but it has to happen.
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October 01, 2013 7:43:59pm
    Post: #7 
hahaha play it till you run out of cash in game and then go to work.

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