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February 10, 2014 9:13:41am
    Post: #1 
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February 10, 2014 10:53:13am
    Post: #2 
hey, you are posting some threads on wrong sections, but the benefits of having clan is that you will going to get clan credits if you keep on battling some trainers or pokes and those clan credits can be redeemed for you to get coins, money and you can also random swap and specific swap.

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February 10, 2014 11:06:53am
    Post: #3 
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February 10, 2014 11:55:04am
    Post: #4 
repeating what momoy said, clan credits(with the addition of someamount of money/$) could be used to redeem coins, or swap pokemons. the earlier you joined a clan, the better, since the exp you get from battling is the amount of clan credits you'll get.
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February 10, 2014 11:56:20am
    Post: #5 
red heart warrior u want to use clan credit for money,coins and heart warrior u go to clan rewards and take this thing
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February 10, 2014 1:09:42pm
    Post: #6 
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