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"The List" Update
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"The List" Update
March 11, 2014 6:21:16am
    Post: #1 
"The List" Update
Promos usually premier at about a thousand coins or less typically. Then everybody tries to horde them paying double and triple the starting amount for a day or two which usually drops back down a little. Then somehow only a few months later it ends up on "The List" supposedly worth several thousand coins more than it was originally. I'm lost as to where these promos are acquiring all this worth in such a brief amount of time. It's not like members are buying these promos for that much before this made up list says they're worth that much more. They're not selling anywhere remotely close to these amounts in the Auction House. Maybe it's just a failed attempt at calculating the rarity, age, and original price of each promo? I was just wondering if somebody could clear this up for me and point me toward some kind of evidence of where these prices are being pulled from aside from thin air, because as the prices on these lists keep inflating I notice the once flourishing economy where you could hardly keep a thread on the front page of the Market/Trades forum has deteriorated to such a slump that you can post a thread and leave to find it still on the same page upon returning three days later. Increasing the rates so drastically is not going to cause anything but the value of the coin to plummet.

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