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treasure box
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treasure box
April 14, 2014 11:46:23am
    Post: #1 
treasure box
treasure box

i want to ask about treasure box what you get by opening it as it cost 150 coins to be opened + how much time on map ideally we have to spent so treasure box appears? and if there is more information towards anyone who see this thread kindly tell me that.

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April 14, 2014 3:51:59pm
    Post: #2 
it is random.. but once you get to see one, it would remain in its place until you get it even after closing your browser.

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April 14, 2014 9:40:47pm
    Post: #3 
Opening the box is supposed to give you a random amount of coins, usually more than the 150 to open it. I haven't found one yet, they seem to be really rare.

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April 14, 2014 10:22:10pm
    Post: #4 
As these two have already said:

1) A treasure box will randomly spawn in one of the maps. That treasure box will forever stay there until you find it. Once it is found, another box will spawn somewhere else and will stay there until you find it.

2) The largest amount I have seen was around 350-400 coins. This does not mean though that you will get more than 150 coins from the box.
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