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GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
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GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
August 19, 2014 8:18:47pm (This post was last modified: August 28, 2014 12:38:01am by GrimReaper.)
    Post: #1 
GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
Welcome everyone,

First Place: either RainbowMewtwo 5.4k or RainbowHitmonlee 1.1k
Second Place: whatever the first place winner didn't choose.
Third Place: CursedLarvitar base Plus C.Ducklett base and C.Druddigon Base

Also, Zapdos (Lee) agree on to transfer the prize(s) to anyone who trading cap is to low to receive the prize.

Here how this contest work:
From Now (Tuesday, August 19, 2014) to Friday August 22, 2014 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time) you can sign up, there will be unlimited entries. and from August 22, 2014 at 7pm EST and until August 27 around 8pm EST, there will be series of questions (nonpokemon/non question about me) that you must answers everyday, and for every questions you get right, you get a points, for every question you get wrong, you lose a points. More will explains when the time comes. and sometime on August 28, 2014 (my Birthday) I will announce the winners, the First Place winner will have the choice of picking which of the two prizes listed up above he/she want, and the second place winner will get the remaining prize of the two, and the third place winner will get the third place prizes listed above.

To Enter, you must include the following:
1. Your username
2. Your Id#
3. Your Favorite Pokemon non-legendary pokemon(only list one pokemon):

Rule for this part:
Dont enter more then once, I can check to see if you have, If I see anyone enter more then once on the same IP, you and anyone else on the same IP will be disqualified from this contest and any other contest I do.

if you have any question(s) post here.

will add more rule(s) if need.

1. Liberty Prime
2. Travissharingan
3. Itz Complicated
4. Shiny Darkrai
5. Killr8 - 32
6. bennychan1999 - 39-Second Place Winner
7. jack73355
8. kidd5 - 23
9. Amy Rose - 5
11. Conflict
12. bagon25
13. oni111 - 8
14. shigistorage - 2
15. Ajwhitford
16. Queenx - 9
17. 3thou
18. EliteBOY - 39-First Place Winner
19. Zues196 - 21
20. AnTiN - 25
21. Pidgeot
22. brando02 - 31
23. shahzaib111 - 6
24. Robath - 32
25. Arsenic212
26. Yo Man 3567
27. BlueLink9001 - 3
28. Geminos7 - 5
29. cool dude
30. Dyrus -33
31. Exodia
32. Raiyan300 - 18
33. Gokussj5
34. Nikeguy - 38- Third Place Winner
35. zaheena
36. CoolJulian
37. himan67
38. snorunt
39. dle273
40. Affaan
41. brys18 - 13
42. Amathyst
43. jamesdomingo - 4
44. fuzzled

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August 19, 2014 8:19:19pm (This post was last modified: August 27, 2014 1:21:58pm by GrimReaper.)
    Post: #2 
GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
Part 2 of the contest:

Everyday from now until August 27, 2014 at 8pm EST, I will post 5 Multiple Choice question, for every question you get right you get a points, for every question you get wrong, you lose a points. You will have 20-24 hours to pm me your answer. DONT post them here or you will be disqualified from this contest, there will be no second chances.
On August 27 round of questions will not be Multiple choices contest. More will be explains on that day.

1. You only get one chance puts round(day), so If you pm me again in the same round but changing your answers in hope you get better score, you will zero points for that round.

You must pm me your answer this way:


In this round you only have 11 hours to answer these. also the question are worth double points, so is still anyone game.

Question for August 27, 2014

1). What is the meaning of the Spanish word "alcatraz, after which the island prison was named?

A. Seagull
B. Eagle
C. Swallow
D. Gannet

2) Which nut flavors Amaretto Liqueur?

A. Coconut
B. Walnut
C. Almond
D. Hazelnut

3). What art museum houses Roy Lichtenstein's famous 1963 painting "Whaam!"?

A. Tate Gallery, London
B. M.O.M.A., New York
C. Guggenheim, New York
D. Louvre, Paris

4). In Skiing, what does NASTAR stand for?

A. Natural Slope Rating
B. National Standard Race
C. Noted Skiing Resort
D. Northern Slappy Report

5). Who was the first "White Anglo-Saxen Protestant" born in the New World in 1587?

A. Virginia Dare
B. Virginia Woolf
C. Ben Franklin's Mother
D. Betsy Ross

This round ends at 8pm (Midnight in creed time) tonight, and sometime on August 28, I will post the winner, in case of a tie, I will asked a question and whoever is get is right or the closest, will wins.


Question for August 26, 2014

1). Which US chemist created the element Plutonium?

A. Henry Kendall
B. Glenn Seaborg
C. Neil Owens
D. Andre Smoltz

2) Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic are all kinds of what?

A. Rock
B. Tree
C. Flower
D. Precious Metal

3). Who are you frightened of if you are Pentheraphobic?

A. Your Dentist
B. Your Neighbor
C. Your Doctor
D. Your Mother-In-Law

4). In which country is Waterloo, site of the famous battle between Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington?

A. Spain
B. France
C. Belgium
D. Holland

5). What is the distance between the pitcher's rubber and home plate in baseball?

A. 50 feet 6 inches
B. 56 feet
C. 60 feet 6 inches
D. 66 feets

You have to August 27 at 9am EST (or in creed time 1pm/13:00) to pm me your answer. I know you have less time to send to send the answer, but I want to do at least one more round before the end of the contest.

Tomorrow questions also will be worth double points but with even less time to send in the answer.

Quest for August 25, 2014

1). Who was the President of the Confederacy during the American Civil War?

A. Jefferson Davis
B. Ulysses Grant
C. Robert E. Lee
D. George Sherman

2) The Mason-Dixon Line forms the border between which two states?

A. Virginia - Maryland
B. Maryland - Pennsylvania
C. North Carolina - Virginia
D. South Carolina - North Carolina

3). Who wrote the novel " Uncle Tom's Cabin"?

A. Harriet Tubman
B. Harriet Beecher Stowe
C. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
D. Frederick Douglas

4). Which ball game is played on the largest playing field?

A. Polo
B. Football
C. Rugby
D. Baseball

5). Who is the voice of Captain John Smith in Disney's "Pocahontas"?

A. Tom Cruise
B. Jim Carrey
C. Mel Gibson
D. Brad Pitt

You have to August 26 at 7pm EST (or in creed time 11pm/23:00) to pm me your answer.

Also Starting tomorrow and Wednesday round of questions, every questions would be worth 2 points each.

Quest for August 24, 2014

1). Who founded the American Red Cross?

A. Dorothea Lynde Dix
B. Clara Barton
C. Elizabeth Dole
D. Louisa May Alcott

2) Which salad is made from diced apples, celery, and walnuts in mayonnaise

A. Caesar
B. Savoy
C. Ritz
D. Waldorf

3). what type of animal was Bagheera in "The Jungle Book"?

A. Bear
B. Tiger
C. Panther
D. Python

4). What was the name of King Arthur's Sword?

A. Excalibur
B. Excelsior
C. Guinevere
D. Metallica

5). Which of these is not a Fish?

A. Cobia
B. Snook
C. Deffer
D. Grunts

You have to August 25 at 7pm EST (or in creed time 11pm/23:00) to pm me your answer


Quest for August 23, 2014

1). Which sea surrounds the northern coast of South America?

A. Caspian Sea
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Caribbean Sea
D. Black Sea

2) Which is the only deer where both the male and Female have antlers?

A. mule deer
B. whitetail deer
C. reindeer
D. None of the above

3). In which Decade did Great Depression occur?

A. 1920s
B. 1930s
C. 1940s
D. 1910s

4). Who was the first U.S. president to appears on Television?

A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Harry S Thuman
D. Dwight D. Eisenhower

5). Who played the first feature film Batman

A. Micheal Keaton
B. Val Kilmer
C. George Clooney
D. Christopher Reeve

You have to August 24 at 3pm EST (or in creed time 7pm/19:00) to pm me your answer


Questions for August 22, 2014, these are no longer answerable or give you any points after the deadline

1) How did Galileo do his research on the physics of movement?
A. He dropped an apple from a tree to the ground
B. He dropped objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa
C. He read the shadow of the sun
D. He used a telescope

2). Who is the Greek Goddess of Vengeance?
A. Persephone
B. Hades
C. Nemesis
D. Eris

3). Who said " Knowledge is power"?
A. Aristotle
B. Francis Bacon
C. Mark Twain
D. Ben Franklin

4). Who created the character Sherlock Holmes?
A. H.G. Wells
B. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
C.Rudyard Kipling
D. Rider Haggard

5). Who Directed The Wizard Of Oz?
A. Cecil B. DeMille
B. Victor Fleming
C. Orson Welles
D. Vincente Minnelli

You have until 6pm EST August 23, 2014, to post your answers

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August 19, 2014 8:23:37pm
    Post: #3 
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August 19, 2014 8:24:13pm (This post was last modified: August 19, 2014 8:24:40pm by Travissharingan.)
    Post: #4 
GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
1. Travissharingan
2. #36032
3. Eevee
Thanks for the contest :)
And happy birthday!!
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August 19, 2014 8:24:18pm (This post was last modified: August 19, 2014 8:25:43pm by Itz Complicated.)
    Post: #5 
GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
Itz Complicated - #310364
Favorite Pokemon: Caterpie
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August 19, 2014 8:25:49pm
    Post: #6 
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August 19, 2014 9:22:38pm
    Post: #7 
Username: Killr8
Trainer ID#:359066
Favorite Non Legend: Scyther
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August 19, 2014 10:04:41pm
    Post: #8 

Happy Birthday, GrimReaper.

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August 19, 2014 10:05:28pm
    Post: #9 
Username: jack73355
Favourite non legend pokemon: Duskull

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August 19, 2014 10:21:04pm
    Post: #10 
kidd5 -#350077

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August 19, 2014 10:44:16pm
    Post: #11 
Amy Rose -#333264
Also, ty for the contest, and happy birthday. :D

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^Me. :D
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^'Bout time someone noticed. ;D
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^Yes, I made those. No you may not use them.
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August 19, 2014 11:02:16pm
    Post: #12 
Jeffrey0 #132537 Breloom

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August 19, 2014 11:09:02pm
    Post: #13 
Conflict -#347952
Favorite Pokemon: Elekid

Thanks for the contest.
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August 19, 2014 11:09:14pm (This post was last modified: August 19, 2014 11:11:17pm by bagon25.)
    Post: #14 
GrimReaper 3rd Annual Birthday Contest
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August 20, 2014 12:02:34am
    Post: #15 
oni111 - Trainer #291037
favorite non legend: aegislash

my thread:
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