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Evolution Requiring Certain Moves
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Evolution Requiring Certain Moves
August 30, 2014 1:26:42am
    Post: #1 
Evolution Requiring Certain Moves
So, I've got Piloswine, and I want to evolve him into a Mamoswine. It says that he has to know AncientPower to evolve, however, even with the move in his set, he still won't evolve.


Do I need an item or something to evolve him?
(Another PokeRPG used an 'AncientPower Orb' for Mamoswine, and similar orbs for others because the site had no battle feature, and thus no moves.)

Or, is it just not possible to evolve him at the time being?

Thanks in advance to whoever answers.

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August 30, 2014 8:30:46am (This post was last modified: August 30, 2014 8:31:05am by Da Man.)
    Post: #2 
Evolution Requiring Certain Moves
Woops, it was a glitch, it's been fixed now, thanks! :)

You should now be able to evolve that Pokemon.

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