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Happiness Idea
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Happiness Idea
August 31, 2014 2:27:59am (This post was last modified: August 31, 2014 2:30:45am by catcherpro.)
    Post: #1 
Happiness Idea
In the gameboy games, Pokemon gain Happiness Points if you walk a certain amount of steps. I was thinking maybe we can implement that here where if you walk __ amounts of steps (either on maps or in dungeon), your Pokemon can gain 1 Happiness Point. This way, it'll encourage people to use maps/dungeons more.

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August 31, 2014 2:35:24am
    Post: #2 
That would be helpful if you are trying to catch map pokemons and trying to find treasure box, so that the time is not wasted.
Also, adding onto the happiness idea, maybe giving your pokemon a haircut, giving them berries, etc, will help gain happiness quicker?

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August 31, 2014 8:33:28am
    Post: #3 
Nice suggestion catcher,and also like what james said.
It would really make people use the maps and dungeons more(like catcher said) and will also help in evolution of many pokemon requiring happiness!



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September 03, 2014 6:12:30pm
    Post: #4 
Walking for happiness, and feeding your Pokemon berries both sound like fantastic ideas. I'd really love to see something like this, because even with a Soothe Bell, a Pokemon still only gains what... about two points a day? Although, I do think there should be a daily point max, or people would walk around maps forever just to evolve a Pokemon quickly. Maybe 5 points a day for regular users, and 8 a day for VIP? Or maybe a little more? Either way, I love the idea of expanding the ways to evolve Pokemon by happiness.

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September 07, 2014 3:39:58pm
    Post: #5 
September 03, 2014 6:12:30pmShinyStaraptor398 Wrote:  Walking for happiness, and feeding your Pokemon berries both sound like fantastic ideas. I'd really love to see something like this, because even with a Soothe Bell, a Pokemon still only gains what... about two points a day? Although, I do think there should be a daily point max, or people would walk around maps forever just to evolve a Pokemon quickly. Maybe 5 points a day for regular users, and 8 a day for VIP? Or maybe a little more? Either way, I love the idea of expanding the ways to evolve Pokemon by happiness.

Me too. Because it's same for everyone and you'd have to wait 200 days for some Pokemon to even evolve from happiness.

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