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Creedence's Guides
November 10, 2014 6:02:14pm
    Post: #1 
Creedence's Guides
Are you a Creed novice?
These guides are intermediate to advanced topics. Instead, Search for beginner guides like this.


How to be better at pokemon Creed than anyone else
Leveling strategies
Advanced battling topics
How to crack the bank vault
Tower strategies

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November 10, 2014 6:06:28pm (This post was last modified: November 10, 2014 7:10:34pm by Creedence.)
    Post: #2 
Creedence's Guides
How to be better at pokemon Creed than anyone else

The golden rule of being best at something is this :

Do not tell everyone everything that you know.

In other words, reading the guides on the forums and wikis will help you to understand the basics. But there is always more to for you to discover, things other people won't talk about. They are out there for you to find and keep quiet about.

If you blindly follow all the guides, you will never be the best. Figure out why the guides work. Can the strategies be improved? Use your mind and do better.

TL;DR: If you are a zombie, you cannot be the best.
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November 10, 2014 6:12:48pm
    Post: #3 
Leveling strategies

If you are in the stage of beating the various gyms, you should not be trying to have all your pokemon at the same level. Instead, focus on leveling a single pokemon. When there's a large gap, use your best pokemon to whittle down a strong pokemon's HP, and then switch in your low-level pokemon to finish it off. You can easily gain multiple levels at once this way. Of course, if you have EXP Shares, things are much easier, but not everyone is that rich.

The gyms are pretty much the only place where the pokemon levels stay the same. Every other kind of battle is based on the level of your most powerful pokemon. So, if you are doing non-gym battles, you want your pokemon levels as tight together as possible.

TL;DR: For gym battles, focus on leveling a single pokemon.
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November 10, 2014 6:31:23pm (This post was last modified: November 10, 2014 6:31:44pm by Creedence.)
    Post: #4 
Creedence's Guides
Advanced Battling Topics

Pokemon are listed on the top of every page so that you can change their movesets on the fly before battles (not during). You should realize by now that you can use any moves you want to and are not restricted to their natural move learning. If you wish to stay true to the series and stick to the natural move learnset, that's admirable, but no one else really does.

If you've read some of the beginner leveling guides, you have an idea of what moves are best, but you have no idea why - or how much better certain moves are. Do your research.

There are no status-inducing moves except for Toxic, which can only be purchased from the Department Stores. You can't paralyze, sleep, or attract an opponent pokemon.

Bosses that are alike typically have the same movesets, Toxic being one of them. And there just happens to be a certain scarf you can purchase that prevents your pokemon from being poisoned.

Types & Immunities
Pokemon in general follow their wikipedia definitions for weaknesses and types. But not always. Sometimes pokemon aren't weak to the types the wikipedia says.

Which brings us to Creed's inexplicable love for Golurk. Golurk is immune to normal, fighting, and electric as a ground/ghost type. But it is certainly not the only pokemon to have multiple immunities.


Without an EXP Share, only the pokemon that fainted the opponent gets the EXP. Every pokemon gives out EXP according to its level - battling a lvl 100 snorlax with a lvl 5 ditto gives the same exact EXP as battling a lvl 100 snorlax with your lvl 200 chansey.

Trainer level & Training

Your trainer level is listed on the top right corner of the game, below your name. It's influenced by pokemon you catch, pokedex, level, and achievements you earn. You cannot buy, bid on, be gifted, or train a pokemon that's over your trainer level.

So, while all these people on the forums offering to train your pokemon for low prices sounds very nice, if the trained pokemon is above your trainer level, all you've done is lost your pokemon until you level up more.
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November 10, 2014 6:41:55pm
    Post: #5 
How to Crack the Bank Vault

Is it worth it?
Cracking the bank vault is a 1 in 999 chance. Sure, you could get lucky! Or you could just end up spending a lot of money you'll never get back. As each attempt costs $1,000,000, on average, it would take $499,000,000 to crack it, but possibly up to $999,000,000.

In other words, if there is only $1,000,000 in the bank, spending $999,000,000 to crack the bank isn't worth it.

Each fouled attempt goes into the pot, so if you win, you get back whatever you spent.

If the bank vault is below $1,000,000,000 , then it's best to guess a random number.

If it's over that, then everyone else has guessed their lucky numbers and no one has won. Guessing your favorite numbers isn't going to work, and you'll have to methodically check each number.

Personal notepad

If you are going to check each and every combination, think of the combination as a number from 001 to 999 instead of its dashed version (2-1-1), to help you. It doesn't do you any good to try every number and find that you didn't win because you made a mistake and forgot a number. Keeping track of where you are is imperative to winning. And there just happens to be a personal notepad on the homepage of Creed for you to use.

The vault combo is random!

Lastly, the bank vault's combination will always be a random number. Da Man doesn't set a new combination each day by thinking "Hmm, what are my favorite numbers today?". The number will be random. So while it's possible that guessing your favorite numbers will win the prize, it's unlikely.
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November 10, 2014 7:07:11pm
    Post: #6 
Tower Strategies

Let's talk about the thing no one wants to talk about: tower strategies. I also want to preface this by saying that what's in this guide are not trade secrets - only common sense. Any winning strategy is one you develop on your own.

You can't win if you don't play
Just because Gambler won a streak of 34 in the infinite tower doesn't mean that Gambler will play the tower today. There are plenty of days when low-level players win the towers because the rich players didn't play that day.

If you tie a streak with another player, the person with the lower alphabetical username will always win. If 'Giratina' and 'Dialga' and 'Beartic' all score 2 on the Infinite tower, Beartic will be chosen as the winner as his name, when sorted alphabetically, comes first. Compare this to your teacher calling names alphabetically down the student roster.

You won't always win
Having a good streak depends on luck. Every time you replay the tower, something different will happen.

Types and Immunities
Most of the time, pokemon types on opponents are messed up. A pokemon may not be weak to any type at all, it may be weak to types that don't agree with the wikipedia, or all may be normal.

Likewise, the opponent pokemon's moves will never conform to their natural movesets. When the next opponent is a goldeen, pulling out a fire-type pokemon is no more of a safer bet than pulling out an electric type pokemon.

Again, there is no hard and set strategy that works for everyone, but the basics rely on common sense. The level of the pokemon you face are dependent on your own pokemon. So it's in your best interest for all your pokemon to be at the same level every opponent. Having a lvl 1000 pokemon and five lvl 1 pokemon is the fastest way to die.
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November 10, 2014 7:53:21pm
    Post: #7 
Its a new knowledge to me about the ties!
Again,thank you and I am also sorry for posting in b/w your guides!



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Gift from my Good Friend! complanboy!
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Thank you kev my Caring Friend!
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Thank You Robath my Friend!
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A gift from my Good Friend Shamey
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Thank you Queenx my Friend!
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Thank You bmw2004 my Friend!
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Gift from Shamey my friend!
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November 11, 2014 6:47:20pm (This post was last modified: November 12, 2014 1:51:00pm by adamwilson.)
    Post: #8 
Creedence's Guides
Wow, these are great quality guides! You must have put a lot of work into these, and these guides have taught me some things that i didnt have a clue about before, and i have been playing this game for over a year! Also, the tower guide was very helpful to me and actually motivated me a lot. Thanks a lot creedence :)

Edit: I honestly think that it would be a great idea to sticky this thread.

Need help? Then message catcherpro - #16009

Ty so much Hiromi Ai!
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Da Man, that rayquaza sig is truly awesome! Thx again!
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ABOMINATOR is my bae
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My Latest Signature (24/02/2015):
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November 11, 2014 11:47:26pm
    Post: #9 
Nice guide for the new players!

Profile Hits:
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November 12, 2014 9:18:31am
    Post: #10 
great guides creedence, ur a new player and already looking to help newer players than u! great stuff!

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

Friends/Helpful People

Mysterious Garden
Adilkhan/King is Back
lugia warrior
IM Challenger

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November 12, 2014 1:24:59pm
    Post: #11 
Awesome creedence,nice guide for new players.

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Training 10 coins per bil
15 coins per base coloured poke
20 coins per unbase coloured poke
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