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Psycho's game
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Psycho's game
December 08, 2014 1:21:30pm (This post was last modified: December 08, 2014 8:18:20pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
Psycho's game
You went to bed last night, or did, whatever, before someone broke into your house and kidnapped you. You awoke on an island, run by a psychopath. You are now part of his game. He sends his friends after you, seeing how many of you they can kill. He wants to test you, see if you can get to him. Can you play this psycho's game?

Can be anything.
No immortality, your life needs to be in danger.
You can be a psycho.
Weapons are scattered across the island. Mostly knives or pistols.



Name: James 'Deadeye' Baulschoff
Age: 26
Gender: M
Species: Human
Appearance: 5'11
Other: Leader of the psychos. Creator of the psycho's game.


James 'Deadeye' Baulschoff
John Baulschoff ELIMINATED
Rodney Baulschoff ELIMINATED
Christina Baulschoff


Here it is.

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December 08, 2014 1:33:11pm
    Post: #2 
Name: Ace (Yes, he is vulnerable to death in this one.)
Age: 14
Gender: M
Species: 1/2-Demon 1/2-Angel
Appearance: You should know, black hair, red eyes, grey skin, grey striped shirt 6'4 and most definitely those crimson wings of his.
Other: I'm going to like this XD

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December 08, 2014 1:34:55pm
    Post: #3 
(Accepted, begin when you are ready)

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December 08, 2014 1:50:53pm
    Post: #4 
(Before we start, I implore for permission to see if I can use a certain dagger instead of the weaponry on the island. May I?)

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December 08, 2014 1:51:35pm
    Post: #5 
(Why of course)

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December 08, 2014 2:00:19pm
    Post: #6 
(Okee Dokey ^_^)
I woke up grumpily and realized I wasn't at my house. I sat and checked to see if my special dagger was where I usually had it. Before that, though, I had to get the sand out of my hair- I hate when that happens. I stood and looked around, wondering where I could possibly be. "Hello?" I shouted.

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December 08, 2014 2:03:28pm
    Post: #7 
A man walked out from some bushes. (SAM BELL INFO: 5'9 165Ibs) "Welcome to the game!" The man said.

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December 08, 2014 2:07:57pm
    Post: #8 
I pull out my dagger and spread my wings, "What?" I ask.

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December 08, 2014 2:09:58pm
    Post: #9 
"The game! Here's the rules! You have 10 minutes to prepare, then we attack." The man said and smiled. "Can you survive?" He backed into the woods.

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December 08, 2014 2:12:37pm
    Post: #10 
"What if I don't WANNA PLAY?" I yell, readying my dagger.

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December 08, 2014 2:14:11pm
    Post: #11 
"You have no choice!" Sam yelled. "The only way off this island is to kill us all!"

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December 08, 2014 2:21:35pm
    Post: #12 
I smirked and stabbed the guy in the forehead, slowly dragging the bloody dagger from his head. "Like that?" I say.

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December 08, 2014 2:22:33pm
    Post: #13 
"Stage one complete." Sam said before falling to the ground.

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December 08, 2014 2:24:22pm
    Post: #14 
"Idiots," I murmur.

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December 08, 2014 2:32:30pm
    Post: #15 
Name: Kenji Nakamura
Age: 15
Gender: male
Species: human (1/16 Luxray blood)
Appearance: His eyes are a dull golden color, his hair is black, spiked, and tipped with red and blue. He is 5'10. He is dressed in a black shirt, under a pale green vest, damaged jeans, and boots.
Other: Shabang.

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