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Birthday Contest
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Birthday Contest
December 17, 2014 8:56:48pm (This post was last modified: January 02, 2015 4:36:45am by Shinxey.)
    Post: #1 
Birthday Contest
My birthday is coming up real soon, so this is just a lil' contest. xD
1st: base C.Ducklett
2nd: base Shiny Pokemon (Random pick. xD)
3rd: 100 coins
4th: 50 coins
5th: 25 coins

1.) Do not enter with more than one account. I'm going to ask a staff to check. If you have, you will be banned from any and all future contests of mine.
2.) Be nice to the other players.
3.) When the question portion of the contest is here, I am going to ask that you PM me the answers to prevent cheating. If you post the answers on this thread, you will automatically be disqualified. If you have not entered the contest and send me the answers, you will be banned from any and all future contests of mine. I'll be keeping track of who's entered and who hasn't.


None, let's keep it that way, hmm?

Registration Ends: December 22nd.
Contest Ends: January 1st.


Whoo! Multiple choice questions this time! xD And I have the answers or hints to them to most of these posted all over. Just a note.
Correct answers are in green. :3
1.) How many of my colored Pokemon (this account only) have me as an Original Trainer? Shinies are not included. (Note: Only counts up to R.Trapinch promo.)
A: 5 B: 10 C: 3 D: 8

2.) Which MLP character is my favorite?
A: Rarity B: Luna C: Rainbow Dash D: Fluttershy

3.) How many of the banners in this account were made by me?
A: 20 B: 7 C: 13 D: 14

4.) Which of these four Pokemon did I receive first?
A: LuminousLucario B: CursedZorua C: ShinyManectric D: GoldenShinx

5.) Which of these sports is my favorite?
A: Skiing B: Tennis C: Swimming D: Softball

6.) What is the pun with the nicknames on my ShinyCacturnes?
A: Holidays B: Months C: Seasons D: Times

7.) How many Shinx do I own?
A: 259 B: 162 C: 238 D: 367

8.) How many userbars do I have? (Including Creed Member default userbar.)
A: 2 B: 4 C: 1 D: 6

9.) What is the most amount of coins I've held (rounded to nearest hundred.)?
A: 10,700 B: 9,800 C: 10,800 D: 11,000

10.) What is the one thing that did NOT happen?
A: One of my LD suggestions got implemented. B: I unlocked one of my favorite characters in a video game. C: I unlocked a bonus stage in a video game. D: I unlocked all of one type of trophy in Super Smash Bros 4.

11.) Who was the last one to rep me?
A: blackheartwarrior B: Shamey C: Conflict D: pokepal1009

12.) What is the level of my highest Skarmory?
A: 1030 B: 5000 C: 3048 D: 7567

13.) Which robot from the StH series is my favorite? :P
A: Orbot B: Metal Sonic C: Scratch D: Omega

14.) How many of my Colored Pokemon have nicknames? (Shiny not included.)
A: 24 B: 25 C: 20 D: 21

15.) Which of these rare Pokemon that I own is the rarest (going by amount Ig and rate)?
A: ShinyFeebas ♀ B: AncientSuicune ♀ C: ShinyAbra ♀ D: All of the above

16.) What is my favorite out of these?
A: Sandslash B: Weavile C: Shaymin D: Suicune

17.) What is my favorite Eeveelution?
A: Glaceon B: Espeon C: Leafeon D: Vaporeon

18.) Which of these Pokemon did I receive LAST?
A: Golden B: Shadow C: Ancient D: Luminous

19.) How many Shiny Legendary Pokemon do I own in this account?
A: 12 B: 10 C: 3 D: 6

20.) What have I made the most of?
A: Banners B: Userbars C: Sprites D: Drawings

Remember to PM the answers. If two or more people tie, I will add tiebreaker questions.
Answer them this way:
For example, say the answer is A:123. You can either PM it as:
1.) A
1.) 123
EDIT: Adding because a few people got confused. All questions regarding my Pokemon are about this account only. The Pokemon in my storage do not count.

~~Registration Closed~~


1.) BlueLink9001 - #334240 -Sent PM
2.) Pokepal1009-#366535
3.) kidd5 -#350077 -Sent PM
4.) Catcherpro - #16009 -Sent PM
5.) AnTiN - #224357
6.) EliteBOY-#357257
7.) LucarioLegends - #320289
8.) kaurav -#356823
9.) SilverAbsol - #352489
10.) Shadow adi - #362037 -Sent PM
11.) PkmnTrainerA - #366875
12.) Mats1000 - #15969
13.) Boodaliboo #320093
14.) Robath - 354485 - Sent PM
15.) Tman10061 - 335876
16.) Rebornz - #347704 -Sent PM
17.) Jacobowens2-329501
18.) Gambler123456789 - #317283
19.) max anderson #359816
20.) Kenshin 2 - #359755
21.) adamwilson - #295617
22.) Rylee2780 #282175
23.) fireredandleafgreen -#353506
24.) God Of Heilheim - #349828
25.) Tyler11ball - 132223
26.) Preston12120 - Trainer #360454
27.) poopoo32 - #109638

~~Registration Closed~~



1st: catcherpro - 14 points
2nd: Rebornz - 13 points
3rd: Robath - 12 points
4th: kidd5 - 10 points
5th: BlueLink9001 - 9 points
6th: Shadow adi - 7 points

Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier-entries are unlimited.

Register with your username and trainer number. Also, add your fave steel-type Pokemon. xD Ex.
Shinxey - #326370 Skarmory
Have fun!

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
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[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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December 17, 2014 9:11:35pm
    Post: #2 
BlueLink9001 - #334240 Skarmory :3
Happy soon-to-be B-day! I'll still need to work on da presents :3

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
[you must login to view images]
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[you must login to view images]
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 17, 2014 10:19:30pm
    Post: #3 
Pokepal1009-#366535 Dialga

Happy Birthday to Shinxey!

Awsome Pokemon:
[you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images]

Click below and help me get coins!
[you must login to view images]

My Trainer Card:
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December 17, 2014 10:28:42pm (This post was last modified: December 17, 2014 10:29:20pm by kidd5.)
    Post: #4 
Birthday Contest
kidd5 -#350077

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December 17, 2014 10:37:52pm
    Post: #5 
Catcherpro - #16009 Steelix.
. .

[you must login to view images]
-First person to beat the Elite Four.
-First Pokdex God.

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]

Get Owned Realstate:
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December 17, 2014 11:27:59pm
    Post: #6 
AnTiN - #224357
Favourite Steel type pokemon is Scizor!
Also,Advanced Birthday Wishes my Friend!



[you must login to view images]
Gift from my Good Friend! complanboy!
[you must login to view images]
Thank you kev my Caring Friend!
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
Thank You Robath my Friend!
[you must login to view images]
A gift from my Good Friend Shamey
[you must login to view images]
Thank you Queenx my Friend!
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Thank You bmw2004 my Friend!
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Gift from Shamey my friend!
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December 17, 2014 11:53:29pm
    Post: #7 
All added, and ty for all the birthday wishes. :)

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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December 18, 2014 12:23:49am
    Post: #8 
Lucario is my fav.steel type pokemon! Happy birthday in advance shinxey!

Profile Hits:
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December 18, 2014 1:12:35am
    Post: #9 
LucarioLegends - #320289 ~Lucario~

[you must login to view links] - Shop
[you must login to view links] -Training
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December 18, 2014 1:28:52am
    Post: #10 
kaurav -#356823
Happy Birthday
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December 18, 2014 2:18:25am
    Post: #11 
SilverAbsol - #352489 Aron X3
Happy B-Day, buddy ol' pal! =P

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[you must login to view images]
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^Made by me!^

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^Thank you Shinxey!^
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December 18, 2014 2:23:33am
    Post: #12 
Lucario is my fav poke and happy bday to u
Shadow adi- Trainer #362037

Click below to take a wish!
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December 18, 2014 2:46:03am
    Post: #13 
PkmnTrainerA - #366875
i would like to enter
Happy birthday !
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December 18, 2014 3:15:18am
    Post: #14 
All added. xD And ty. :P

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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December 18, 2014 3:40:24am
    Post: #15 
Mats1000 - 15969
My favorite steel pokemon has to be.... Well it between Metagross and Aegislash

I would really appreciate if you click below
Click below to take a wish!
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