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I'm a noob here.
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I'm a noob here.
November 20, 2011 4:56:40pm
    Post: #1 
I'm a noob here.

Anyone want to give me some tips on starting out?

It would be greatly appreciated

~Shut up Ash, don't we ALL wanna be the best?
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November 20, 2011 5:00:56pm
    Post: #2 

Pm or a reply works.

~Shut up Ash, don't we ALL wanna be the best?
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November 20, 2011 7:13:10pm
    Post: #3 
Read the sticky threads, they will probably help you out.

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Thank you, Katie, for the amazing sigs above :D
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November 20, 2011 7:17:41pm
    Post: #4 
catch map pokemon train them to about 250 each then sell them on forum or auction house that way u have a good chance of earning coins

u could everyday enter the daily raffle and do a lucky dip for coins pokemon or other (usefull)items

then there is the hitdown wich is every 180 minutes be 1 of the 3 1st to hit after the 180 minutes are over and u win coins and money..

as soon as when u gain 145 coins i advise u to buy the best rod possible and start fishing (again also to be found in games corner little under the hitdown)

with coins u can basicly buy promo's or buy pokemons from auction house or trade with players

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Katiesoar u are awsome!
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all thnx to katiesoar u rock!
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November 20, 2011 8:45:57pm
    Post: #5 
your welcome to my Business Inc clan just read my details and then send me your Application with all the details I requested joining a clan is good start because you gains clan exp which you can buy things from clan rewards section of whatever clan your in but my is better because we help out each other out making coins and money isn't my clan cool

Along with the Exp Share You'll gets the following for Just 18k Coins!
CursedFeebas x8
All Level 5s!!
Now that gotta be a bargain you can't resists!

Offer only valid for 18k coins so just create trade for those things in exchange of 18,000 coins
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November 21, 2011 3:33:13am
    Post: #6 
Dont say youself is noob!!You must have confidant .I hate people call themself noob

All stuff for trade. Visit me @ Trading Port.
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November 21, 2011 1:56:33pm
    Post: #7 
"November 20, 2011 10:33:13pm""ash2011" Wrote:  Dont say youself is noob!!You must have confidant .I hate people call themself noob

calling ur self a noob is not per definition being a bad thing.. yes we as hard gamers might understand the new players as being noob but the real thing about a noob is simple u are new to the game and don't really know how things work yet THATS a noob not a bad person not a stupid person just un knowing of the facts and works of the game..

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Katiesoar u are awsome!
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all thnx to katiesoar u rock!
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November 21, 2011 2:11:41pm
    Post: #8 
Catch ghost pokes ( Spiritombs will be very nice) then train them high in the Towers. Try to play the games at Games corner and win coins, buy new coloured pokes at Auction House. Also check out the F.A.Q

Hope it helped


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November 21, 2011 3:36:46pm
    Post: #9 
Join the clan Dark Mist and you will get to loan a lvl2k.

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Also check out my New Creed Styles and my Userbars!

I'm a girl. Just so you n00bs know.

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