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Starting again
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Starting again
April 08, 2015 10:15:01am
    Post: #1 
Starting again
Getting back into graphics, constructive comments appreciated

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April 08, 2015 2:45:14pm
    Post: #2 
Nice bruh.
10/10 on the 1st one and 11/10 on the "rebornz" one :)
Wb to the world of graphics.

Lf bug type coloureds !
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April 10, 2015 7:19:34pm
    Post: #3 
I really really really loved the first one. c:
Everything fits perfectly, aweshome work. c:

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April 11, 2015 12:16:03am
    Post: #4 
For first sig I think the part underneath the right arm (left side) is a bit bright. [you must login to view images]
Along with the skull on the right looks bright and dark at same time (sounds confusing) but I feel the shade of red should be more like the big skull.
For second sig, the left side just ended too soon/no flow it just cuts off to black but right side is fine as it gradually fades out.
But overall the effects look really cool great job :).

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April 14, 2015 2:15:51pm
    Post: #5 
All of the elements in the first one leave a focal point to be much desired. It's too messy for me.

Both of the signatures also seem to me to be far too overexposed and oversharpened. For me this starts to drag me away from looking at the entire sig and ends up in me looking at your very bright whites as well as the oversharpened elements in both. This is bad.

Furthermore in the second sig i find that there's too much black space for me, and this really throws off the sig, as it's just a halo guy (never played it, don't know what they're called) with some fractals around him. Very plain. Very boring.

Your text is using some nice colours and i commend you on that, as it is often hard to find the right colours for text. But once again, this is oversharpened and simply does not fit into the signature to make it a cohesive piece. It stands out as it is too sharpened and takes me away from your main focal, which it should not do.

The text is also misplaced for me. Text, in my opinion, should not be standing out from the main focal but should compliment it.
As your text is on the bottom left of your focal rather than, say, the top right, it stands out and detracts from the signatures whole composition.

Far too many rookie errors for me to give you any praise whatsoever.

Hope you don't take my criticism the wrong way and go on to improve!

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