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trainer card design
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trainer card design
July 15, 2015 12:18:59pm
    Post: #1 
trainer card design
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The boders of it will be similar to old design

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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July 16, 2015 10:46:58am
    Post: #2 
Da man must have a view on it he will surely like it

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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July 17, 2015 12:59:03pm
    Post: #3 
sme 1 comment plz

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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July 17, 2015 1:09:03pm
    Post: #4 
I mean, it would be nice if we could customize our own trainer cards.
But, there's a few things wrong here.

For example, Alan may have to redo the entire trainer card script in order for it to work with customization.
(I'll edit later when I come up with the proper phrasing of the other reasons)

But yeah, 6x8=48... not 49. There's also not even 973 Pokemon because shiny versions don't count as a separate Pokemon. (If you're legitimately following the Pokemon games themselves and not Creed)

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July 17, 2015 2:24:38pm
    Post: #5 
July 17, 2015 1:09:03pmEngetsu Wrote:  I mean, it would be nice if we could customize our own trainer cards.
But, there's a few things wrong here.

For example, Alan may have to redo the entire trainer card script in order for it to work with customization.
(I'll edit later when I come up with the proper phrasing of the other reasons)

But yeah, 6x8=48... not 49. There's also not even 973 Pokemon because shiny versions don't count as a separate Pokemon. (If you're legitimately following the Pokemon games themselves and not Creed)

bro this is just a sample

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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September 05, 2015 5:07:04pm
    Post: #6 
i think Alan will like it

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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September 05, 2015 5:42:11pm
    Post: #7 
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