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views on ASMR
July 20, 2015 10:37:48am
    Post: #1 
views on ASMR
What is your view of ASMR?
Does it work? does it not?
Is it good? is it bad?

I like ASMR and find that some videos, particularly heather Feather ASMR works with me.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I don't think anybody should be.
After all, even if it doesn't have scientiffic proof, it's the thought of helping people that also counts init?

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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August 07, 2015 8:14:25pm (This post was last modified: August 07, 2015 8:14:56pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #2 
views on ASMR
What's ASMR? I've never heard of it before until now. I took a look at an article about it (well, more of a short glance), but still don't quite understand. I don't think I've ever really experienced it before.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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