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Eeveelutions Contest
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Eeveelutions Contest
August 02, 2015 7:04:47am (This post was last modified: August 09, 2015 12:48:23am by Shinxey.)
    Post: #1 
Eeveelutions Contest
(Minus Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon, since I've got 0-1 of each.)
Hi, just a small insignificant contest.
Prizes are as the title indicates, EEVEELUTIONS!
To join, just sign up and post the answer to five questions. The more you get right, the more chance you have of winning! Warning, the questions are a bit difficult. Join if you're ready.
(Not bothering with my last contest format since people joined then never came back for questions and then got mad when they didn't win. ._.)

1st Place: Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon.
2nd Place: Leafeon, Glaceon
3rd Place: Eevee and a choice of either Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon, AND stones for the two they didn't pick. (If you picked Jolteon, you get the Water and Fire Stones.)

In the case of a tie, I will use to choose a number. The person with the number will get the higher place. The number will be determined by the order you joined. (Number 1 will be the one of the people that tied that entered first, number two will be the second, 3 will be the third, and so forth. Basically, if entries 24, 28, and 50 tie, then #24 will get 1, #28 will get 2, and #50 will get 3, based on their order.)



1: What was my first colored Pokemon?
2: On what day did I make my storage? (m/y/d)
3: Which colored Pokemon of mine was the most recently obtained?
4: How many Shinx do I own? (Colored and Shiny do not count.)
5: What is one of the main things I hate about fandoms?
I said they'd be hard, but reason is:
less chance for people to tie.



1: ShadowSkarmory
2: 11/13/22 (You were close Tman. I put m/y/d, and you put m/d/y.)
3: ShadowGrowlithe
4: 255 (263 including colored and Shiny.)
5: Shipping

1.) Tman10061 - 335876
2.) pokenix - #110863

Registration is unlimited. Please only enter with one account. Also, registration ends Saturday, August 8th.
Post your thing like this:

Shinxey - #326370

1.) answer
2.) answer
3.) answer
4.) answer
5.) answer

^Place answers in a spoiler tag. :P
 [spoiler] thing here [/spoiler] 

^Like this.

Thanks, and have fun! :D

1st: pokenix (3/5 answers correct!)
2nd: Tman10061 (1/5 answers correct!)
3rd: N/A

Side Note Here:
So far, Tman is the only one who has actually done what the rules say, and if he's the only one that does that, then he gets all the prizes. :L

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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August 02, 2015 7:16:03am
    Post: #2 
1.CursedKabuto is my first poke
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August 02, 2015 7:26:38am
    Post: #3 
Dark Pearl- #385894
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August 02, 2015 8:18:56am
    Post: #4 
mewking1 - Trainer #388093
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August 02, 2015 8:52:43am
    Post: #5 

Always keep smile and enjoy your life with your own way

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Thanks Arceusboy......
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Thanks tanmay541091

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August 02, 2015 10:33:44am
    Post: #6 
Arceusboy - #381395

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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August 02, 2015 12:59:51pm
    Post: #7 
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August 02, 2015 1:01:47pm
    Post: #8 
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August 02, 2015 2:54:54pm
    Post: #9 
kalexrt - #359116
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August 02, 2015 10:34:28pm
    Post: #10 
Are you people even bothering reading? ._.

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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August 03, 2015 8:49:30am
    Post: #11 
XD nice comedy entry where the answers people lol

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August 03, 2015 3:35:09pm
    Post: #12 
Tman10061 - 335876


1. CursedShinx
2. 11/22/13
3. CursedKabuto
4. 24
5. Shipping

[you must login to view links] < Come check it out
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August 03, 2015 4:57:23pm
    Post: #13 
denmar - #388373

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August 03, 2015 11:52:39pm
    Post: #14 
Added a side note.

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
^Made dat. :3
[you must login to view images]
^I made that, too . :3
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August 05, 2015 11:25:17am
    Post: #15 
pokenix - #110863


1.) LuminousGrowlithe
2.) 11/13/22
3.) ShadowGrowlithe
4.) 255
5.) Too Addicted

Thx for the contest...

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