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Account Retirement/Deletion
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Account Retirement/Deletion
December 20, 2015 12:04:59am
    Post: #1 
Account Retirement/Deletion
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has noticed the massive amounts of inactive accounts on here. I think it'd be nice to clear up the clutter and for accounts that have been inactive for about a year automatically deleted. Any pokemon they have either automatically sent to the auction house or pokemon market, items possibly donated to a dump/take what you want type of place (we don't currently have one, but it would probably be easy to make) or somehow sent to the item market (which may prove more difficult because of price and currency choice, no one wants it to automatically sell things for coins and then you're just throwing your coins down a hole). On the other hand there's probably plenty of people who put a lot of time into playing and while they don't want to play anymore, they probably don't want their accounts disposed of either which is where the retirement option should be used. Retiring an account will label it as retired/inactive, allowing other players to know it would be pointless trading with this person. There should also be a coming out of retirement option in the event a player wishes to return. Probably something like what Facebook does when you 'delete' your profile, upon your next log in, if you choose to ever log back in your account returns to being active just as you left it.

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December 21, 2015 11:22:55am
    Post: #2 
I don't understand why anyone's account should be removed permanently when there's loss to the RPG itself if it's implements.
Can't understand greed or stupidity ._.

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December 21, 2015 11:29:12am
    Post: #3 
if trainers want to remove their accounts their should be a provision but removing it without their will it will be not justified.The accounts those may be inactive like of complanboy,mikehappy are inspiration to others

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December 21, 2015 4:34:57pm
    Post: #4 
You're miss understanding me. I'm not saying go through and destroy everyone's account, I'm referring to the handfuls of players that joined, did pretty much nothing and then never came back and very clearly are not coming back. It might look nice on paper to be able to say massive amounts of people signed up, but on the other hand does it still look good when so many who signed up got as far as signing up, maybe looking around a bit, and then disappearing.
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December 24, 2015 2:15:00am
    Post: #5 
I am with Zeek here, it makes sense for the filler, as I call them, accounts to not have to be counted as accounts. The number of registered players is not the same as the number of users.
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December 24, 2015 4:26:51pm
    Post: #6 
Yes there are some people who created their accounts but never logged in again....

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December 24, 2015 10:11:07pm
    Post: #7 
nah. if they want to log in 2 years later and they don't have their stuff, that'll be a problem

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December 30, 2015 6:26:17pm
    Post: #8 
What Jeffrey0 said.
I myself have a few accounts that have went almost 3 years inactive already, and I have stuff in there I may want to get out of there one day.
If my account was deleted and all my stuff went to other people, I'd be pissed off.

And just an FYI, the pokemon market doesn't sell colored pokemon anymore. (The "Buy Pokemon" page) Even though it used it. ;-;

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January 01, 2016 7:53:41pm
    Post: #9 
this would work well for frozen accounts that were found botting or stuff like that
such as
just look at how much stuff are in those accounts
Roughly 2,000 promos that would boost creeds economy and would let some players start playing again
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January 02, 2016 5:00:41pm
    Post: #10 
Finally someone who understands! That's exactly why I thought of this! There's so many accounts of people who are clearly not coming back with hoards of stuff left behind. Unless certain promos are made obtainable in ways other than sale or trade then there's no way newer players would be able to get certain pokemon they may be interested in because pretty much everyone who has one and hasn't gone missing is holding onto theirs, and Pokemon that should be made available are left sitting unattended and unaccessible.
I can understand not wanting to make things too easy or throw off rarity and I'm completely in favor of not doing that... However for the sake of speculation, that's also one likely contributor as to why many new players simply stop playing and never come back. I remember a few years ago, probably 2013 when I had first started looking into online pokemon RPGs and there weren't that many out there Creed was practically top of the list in the search results... It's not anymore... Granted it's still higher than many, but as more people start playing other RPGs it'll continue to drop making new members much harder to bring in. Sure there's still quite a few people who play and there's still new people signing up. However, how many of those new sign ups are old players simply making a new account? How many of the actual new players are going to quit because they can't get a pokemon that they want? And how many new players sign up just to see how Creed is different from the easier RPGs on the first page of Google search results who only end up looking around and quit? Of course there are plenty of other factors that cause the amount of active members to drop, but that's for another thread and I'm willing to bet that on the list of things that cause it this is higher than it should be. I'm not saying to make everything super easy, but it'd be nice if things were made available to those who are willing to go through whatever process it would take to obtain them. I'm willing to admit that maybe this isn't the best way of doing that, but this was all I could come up with at the time I posted it that wouldn't completely throw rarity out of wack or make everything too easy. I don't exactly have any better ideas to do that and from what I can tell it doesn't seem like anyone else does either.
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