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The List. *Improved*
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The List. *Improved*
December 30, 2016 5:12:21pm (This post was last modified: December 31, 2016 3:19:50am by Big Mac.)
Post: #1
The List. *Improved*
This is purely an updated list, as the current one is out-dated. Post what you think about the changes and what still needs updated. This thread will also be changing every now and again. Post your suggestions in the comments!
Male = M Female = F B = Base UB = Unbase + = Could be rated Higher Shadow: ShadowMew N/A ShadowDratini N/A ShadowMakuhita N/A ShadowGlalie N/A (Only if it base, if it above level 42, it worth less then ShadowSnorunt) ShadowRaikou N/A ShadowDarkrai N/A ShadowLugia N/A ShadowTeddiursa 3M+ ShadowMewtwo 1.5M+ ShadowZapdos 275k ShadowRayquaza 235k ShadowZygarde 160k ShadowDiancie 125k ShadowDialga 95k ShadowSewaddle 75k ShadowPalkia 40k ShadowGolett 32k ShadowCranidos 27k ShadowArticuno 25k ShadowArceus 20k ShadowSableye 20k ShadowGroudon 19k ShadowCelebi 15k ShadowShinx 13k ShadowLatias 12k ShadowAbsol 12k ShadowSpiritomb 10k ShadowClamperl 9k ShadowJirachi 8.4k ShadowVictini 7.5k ShadowPumpkaboo 7.5k ShadowCharmander 6.5k ShadowScyther 5.5k ShadowLitwick 5k ShadowVulpix 5k ShadowNincada 5k ShadowMesprit 5k ShadowPhione 5k ShadowSnorunt 5k ShadowManaphy 5k ShadowSlowpoke 4.5k ShadowLatios 4.1k ShadowUxie 4k ShadowShaymin 4k ShadowRiolu 4k ShadowMunchlax 3.8k ShadowShroomish 3.7k ShadowWeedle 3.5k ShadowAzelf 3.5k ShadowMeloetta 3.3k ShadowOshawott 3.2k ShadowMudkip 3k ShadowRegice 3k ShadowMagikarp 2.8k ShadowSquirtle 2.8k ShadowBulbasaur 2.8k ShadowCaterpie 2.5k ShadowFerroseed 2.4k ShadowBagon 2.4k ShadowGligar 2.4k ShadowSawk 2.2k ShadowMeowth 2.4k ShadowSkarmory 2.3k ShadowSmoochum 2.3k ShadowHo-oh 2.2k SahdowRalts 2k ShadowTreecko 2k ShadowSpinarak 2k ShadowTurtwig 2k ShadowSwablu 2k ShadowDeino 1.9k ShadowCroagunk 1.9k ShadowMinccino 1.8k ShadowBuizel 1.8k ShadowTorchic 1.8k ShadowLarvitar 1.8k ShadowGothita 1.7k ShadowKecleon 1.5k ShadowMienfoo 1.5k ShadowMunna 1.5k ShadowTimburr 1.5k ShadowMagnemite 1.4k ShadowDeerling 1.4k ShadowVenipede 1.4k ShadowKarrablast 1.4k ShadowSandile 1.4k ShadowRattata 1.4k ShadowChikorita 1.4k ShadowScraggy 1.3k ShadowPsyduck 1.3k ShadowEkans 1.3k ShadowAxew 1.3k ShadowOddish 1.3k ShadowGrimer 1.3k ShadowPidgey 1.3k ShadowSandshrew 1.3k ShadowMaractus 1.3k ShadowAerodactyl 1.3k ShadowPichu 1.3k ShadowPiplup 1.3k ShadowNatu 1.3k ShadowLuvdisc 1.3k ShadowCyndaquil 1.3k ShadowBonsly 1.2k ShadowMeditite 1.2k ShadowSigilyph 1.2k ShadowSolosis 1.2k ShadowIllumise 1.2k ShadowZangoose 1.2k ShadowShelmet 1.2k ShadowCarvanha 1.2k ShadowGeodude 1.2k ShadowSlakoth 1.2k ShadowAbra 1.2k ShadowAnorith 1.2k ShadowYanma 1.1k ShadowMachop 1.1k ShadowHoothoot 1.1k ShadowVenonat 1.1k ShadowTotodile 1.2k ShadowGrowlithe 1.1k ShadowMinun 1.1k ShadowParas 1.1k ShadowPoochyena 1.1k ShadowGoldeen 1.1k ShadowWurmple 1.1k ShadowHoppip 1.1k ShadowSentret 1.1k ShadowMankey 1.1k ShadowBidoof 1.1k ShadowPineco 1.1k ShadowKrabby 1.1k ShadowEmolga 1.1k ShadowRufflet 1.1k ShadowChingling 1.1k ShadowTauros 1.1k ShadowBuneray 1.1k ShadowAron 1.1k ShadowLickitung 1k ShadowNosepass 1k ShadowSnubbull 1k ShadowStaryu 1k ShadowSpearow 1k ShadowStunfisk 1k Cursed: CursedSuicune N/A CursedRaikou N/A CursedDarkrai N/A CursedMewtwo N/A CursedMew N/A CursedCranidos N/A CursedMagikarp N/A CursedDratini N/A CursedAipom N/A CursedRayquaza 3M+ CursedVictini 2M+ CursedArceus 2M+ CursedHoundour 750k CursedGiratina (B) = 600k+ (UB) = 475k CursedRampardos 450k CursedAbsol (M)=400k+ (F)=425k(?) CursedZapdos (B)=280k (UB)=230k CursedDeoxys 280k CursedDiancie 125k CursedArticuno 80k CursedShinx 60k CursedLarvitar 25k CursedGolett 20k CursedCharmander 20k CursedRiolu 20k CursedHeracross 18k CursedDuskull 17.5k CursedShuppet 16k CursedSpiritomb 16k CursedSableye 16k CursedMoltres 15k CursedMisdreavus 13k CursedBulbasaur 13k CursedCyndaquil 13k CursedPonyta 10k CursedLatias 11k CursedLatios 10k CursedDialga 10k CursedGastly 10k CursedRegisteel 10k CursedTeddiursa 8k CursedLapras 7k CursedYveltal 6.5k CursedBeldum 6.5k CursedWynaut 6k CursedUmbreon 6k CursedChingling 6k CursedSneasel 6k CursedShuckle 6k CursedAerodactyl 5.5k CursedPumpkaboo 5k CursedAbra 5k CursedNatu 5k CursedSquirtle 5k CursedWailmer 5k CursedGroudon 5k CursedCarnivine 4.8k CursedYamask 4.8k CursedCelebi 4k CursedMunchlax 4k CursedZorua 4k CursedFlareon 4k CursedLugia 3.5k CursedMinun 3.5k CursedMeowth 3.5k CursedWooper 3.3k CursedShroomish 3.3k CursedCelebi 3.2k CursedChimchar 3.2k CursedMankey 3.2k CursedPurrloin 3.2k CursedWeedle 3.2k CursedVibrava 3.1k CursedMareep 3.1k CursedTorkoal 3.1k CursedBagon 3.1k CursedGible 3.1k CursedEkans 3.1k CursedSkitty 3k CursedPidgey 3k CursedPichu 2.8k CursedNidoranM 2.7k CursedGrowlithe 2.7k CursedSwablu 2.6k CursedAnorith 2.6k CursedNumel 2.6k CursedEspeon 2.6k CursedCubone 2.6k CursedHo-Oh 2.5k CursedDelibird 2.5k CursedPachirisu 2.5k CursedGligar 2.4k CursedCaterpie 2.3k CursedRegice 2.2k CursedDrilbur 2.1k CursedMunna 2.1k CursedShellder 2.1k CursedVoltorb 2k CursedDiglett 2k CursedMiltank 2k CursedRoggenrola 2k CursedDrifloon 2k CursedTepig 2k CursedCorsola 1.9k CursedPorygon2 1.9k CursedTropius 1.9k CursedSkarmory 1.9k CursedAudino 1.9k CursedSkorupi 1.9k CursedOshawott 1.9k CursedMakuhita 1.9k CursedVulpix 1.9k CursedScyther 1.9k CursedTotodile 1.9k CursedTorchic 1.8k CursedBascullin 1.8k CursedPidove 1.8k CursedZubat 1.8k CursedBonsly 1.8k CursedDruddigon 1.8k CursedSnivy 1.8k CursedJirachi 1.7k CursedFeebas 1.7k CursedJolteon 1.7k CursedHorsea 1.6k CursedEspurr 1.6k CursedKoffing 1.6k CursedOnix 1.6k CursedPatrat 1.5k CursedStoutland 1.5k CursedDrowzee 1.5k CursedRattata 1.5k CursedAxew 1.5k CursedMinccino 1.5k CursedPlusle 1.45k CursedTauros 1.4k CursedPinsir 1.4k CursedWoobat 1.4k CursedBaltoy 1.4k CursedTaillow 1.35k CursedSmoochum 1.3k CursedDedenne 1.3k CursedKrabby 1.2k CursedGoomy 1.2k CursedSpinda 1.2k CursedTreecko 1.2k CursedMudkip 1.15k CursedHonedge 1.15k CursedDucklett 1.1k CursedGrimer 1.1k CursedHuntail 1.1k CursedSwirlix 1.1k CursedGorebyss 1.1k CursedDoduo 1.1k CursedGothita 1k CursedInkay 1k CursedAlomomola 1k CursedPancham 1k CursedSandshrew 1k CursedSmeargle 1k CursedPiplup 1k CursedChespin 1k CursedOddish 1k CursedSpearow 1k CursedMachop 1k CursedBergmite 1k CursedBellsprout 1k CursedDitto 1k CursedRalts 1k CursedTynamo 950 CursedMagby 950 CursedSkiddo 800 CursedLedyba 800 CursedShellos 800 CursedSawk 800 CursedRhyhorn 750 CursedPoochyena 750 CursedGoldeen 700 CursedSpinarak 700 CursedWhismur 700 CursedChikorita 700 CursedCleffa 700 CursedHoppip 700 CursedOmanyte 700 CursedPineco 700 CursedSlugma 700 CursedSnover 650 CursedVenonat 650 CursedVolbeat 650 CursedYanma 650 CursedAzurill 600 CursedBarboach 600 CursedHoothoot 600 CursedKabuto 600 CursedParas 600 CursedPoliwag 600 CursedRemoraid 600 CursedSentret 600 CursedSlowpoke 600 CursedWurmple 600 CursedZigzagoon 600 CursedSlakoth 600 CursedPsyduck 550 CursedTangela 550 CursedLotad 550 CursedGeodude 500 CursedStaryu 500 CursedShieldon 500 CursedExeggcute 500 CursedTentacool 500 CursedArmaldo[Base] N/A CursedGolbat[Base] N/A CursedFlygon[Base] N/A CursedPersian[Base] N/A CursedPidgeotto[Base] N/A Rainbow: RainbowMew N/A RainbowGiratina N/A RainbowReshiram N/A RainbowDratini N/A RainbowBeldum N/A RainbowMakuhita N/A RainbowRayquaza 900k+ RainbowSkorupi 650k RainbowPsyduck 400k RainbowOnix 155k RainbowAbsol 125k RainbowDialga 95k RainbowLugia 75k RainbowHitmonlee 60k RainbowPinsir 45k RainbowDarkrai 45k RainbowTeddiursa 40k RainbowMewtwo 35k RainbowSableye 25k RainbowPalkia 25k RainbowGroudon 20k RainbowGolett 20k RainbowTorchic 15k RainbowEntei 13k RainbowArceus 12k RainbowDeoxys 11k RainbowShinx 10k RainbowArticuno 9k RainbowLitwick 8.5k RainbowCharmander 7.5k RainbowGastly 7k RainbowZorua 6k RainbowSmeargle 6k RainbowShelmet 6k RainbowBulbasaur 5.3k RainbowGlalie 5k RainbowYamask 5k RainbowPonyta 4.7k RainbowMesprit 4.6k RainbowMunchlax 4.2k RainbowUxie 4.1k RainbowLatias 4k RainbowHappiny 4k RainbowSquirtle 4k RainbowRegice 4k RainbowAzelf 3.5k RainbowCelebi 3.5k RainbowHitmonchan 3.5k RainbowKyogre 3.5k RainbowBuneary 3.1k RainbowMudkip 3k RainbowTogepi 2.8k RainbowMeditite 2.6k RainbowMagikarp 2.6k RainbowCubchoo 2.5k RainbowSnivy 2.4k RainbowFrillish 2.3k RainbowCaterpie 2.3k RainbowRiolu 2.2k RainbowBagon 2.2k RainbowLuvdisc 2.2k RainbowAerodactyl 2.2k RainbowRalts 2.2k RainbowGoldeen 2k RainbowExeggcute 2k RainbowSuicune 2k RainbowMachop 1.9k RainbowSmoochum 1.9k RainbowHitmontop 1.9k RainbowJirachi 1.8k RainbowCyndaquil 1.7k RainbowShuckle 1.7k RainbowKangaskhan 1.7k RainbowTepig 1.7k RainbowMinun 1.7k RainbowDrowzee 1.5k RainbowAron 1.5k RainbowSlugma 1.5k RainbowCarvanha 1.5k RainbowPhanpy 1.4k RainbowSeedot 1.4k RainbowSkitty 1.4k RainbowCranidos 1.4k RainbowEkans 1.4k RainbowWeedle 1.3k RainbowTrapinch 1.3k RainbowCleffa 1.3k RainbowAzurill 1.2k RainbowSpheal 1.2k RainbowElgyem 1.2k RainbowOddish 1.2k RainbowVenonat 1.2k RainbowDwebble 1.2k RainbowTentacool 1.2k RainbowAbra 1.1k RainbowSpearow 1k RainbowPidgey 1k Luminous: LuminousGiratina N/A LuminousDialga N/A LuminousRayquaza 2.7M+ LuminousSuicune 2.5M LuminousArticuno (B) = 2M (UB) = 1.5M LuminousPalkia (B)=650k (UB)= 350k LuminousZygarde 200k LuminousRegice 150k LuminousRegirock 150k LuminousRegisteel 150k LuminousSpiritomb 35k LuminousGrotle (B) = 35k (UB) = 22k LuminousTorterra (B) = 35k (UB) = 22k LuminousDuskull 25k LuminousCranidos 25k LuminousShinx 20k LuminousSableye 20k LuminousJirachi 20k LuminousGolett 20k LuminousTepig 18k LuminousOshawott 18k LuminousSnivy 18k LuminousRiolu 18k LuminousBulbasaur 9k LuminousCharmander 9k LuminousSquirtle 9k LuminousChikorita 9k LuminousCyndaquil 9k LuminousTotodile 9k LuminousTreecko 9k LuminousTorchic 9k LuminousMudkip 9k LuminousTurtwig 9k LuminousChimchar 9k LuminousPiplup 9k LuminousGrowlithe 8k LuminousLitwick 8k LuminousShuppet 7k LuminousMisdreavus 7k LuminousGastly 7k LuminousDrifloon 6k LuminousPonyta 6k ShadowClamperl 5k LuminousBouffalant 4k LuminousScyther 3.8k LuminousSkarmory 3.8k LuminousBagon 3.5k LuminousWooper 3.4k LuminousCaterpie 3.4k Luminous Hitmonchan 3.3k LuminousMachop 3.2k LuminousVulpix 3k LuminousDelibird 2.5k LuminousFeebas 2.3k LuminousGlameow 2.3k LuminousCacnea 2.1k LuminousWeedle 2.1k LuminousPsyduck 2.1k LuminousGeodude 2k LuminousTauros 2k LuminousLunatone 2k LuminousTogepi 1.9k LuminousDunsparce 1.9k LuminousMagikarp 1.9k LuminousCryogonal 1.8k LuminousDitto 1.7k LuminousFarfetch'd 1.5k LuminousMagnemite 1.5k LuminousDurant 1.4k LuminousRelicanth 1.3k LuminousClamperl 1.2k Golden: GoldenCresselia N/A GoldenMoltres N/A GoldenGiratina (M)=1M (F)=1.1M GoldenRayquaza 300k+ GoldenKyurem 220k GoldenKeldeo 220k GoldenHeatran 200k GoldenZygarde 150k GoldenLugia 130k GoldenGlaceon 80k GoldenVulpix 45k GoldenScyther 40k GoldenDuskull 27k GoldenCaterpie 27k GoldenOddish 27k GoldenShinx 20k GoldenTeddiursa 15k GoldenAbra 6.5k GoldenMudkip 4.3k GoldenPsyduck 4.3k Normal/Others: Raikou N/A Darkrai N/A Arceus N/A Cobalion N/A Missingno. N/A Mew N/A Dialga 6k Shiny N/A Staff Pogeys: *Inside the square brackets are the ID's of People who created them. Some are banned/past staff. [#2]RainbowHoundour N/A [#2]RainbowWynaut (F)=475k (M)=700k [#444]RainbowFeebas (M)=400k (F)= 450k [#111]RainbowVulpix N/A [#1328]RainbowGible 350k [#3831]RainbowLarvitar N/A [#12295]RainbowPichu N/A [#444]LuminousSnorunt N/A [#12295]LuminousPichu N/A [#2945]LuminousAbsol N/A [#2]LuminousCubone N/A [#444]ShadowLapras N/A [#3831]ShadowFeebas N/A [#1329]ShadowHeracross N/A [#16009]GoldenRalts N/A [#16009]GoldenGardevoir 320k [you must login to view images] |
Post: #2
Nice rates there, thanks for making this list. I'd just like to point out that in the Luminous Pokemon section, you could state that a UB LuminousGrotle would only be worth 22k if it is below Level 18, since a LuminousTurtwig could be evolved into a Grotle at Level 18, meaning it won't be worth as much as a base LuminousTurtwig. Same goes for UB LuminousTorterra, it would have to be under Level 32 to be rated at 22k. Hope this is a valid suggestion :)
Post: #3
Nice! Suggestion to bump L.Jira, L. Crandios, R.Torchic, C. Larvitar, and colored Riolus up due to:
availability (Most of them are in 1yr+ inactive accounts or in banned accounts) Spriting (esp Crandios. Jira has a fuzzy forehead :[ ) Demand How old of a promo they are I feel like Golden scyther should be 40k and Vulpix higher? (debatable) Yes, I may be subject to bias because I have some of these, but a quick look at which accounts have these pokemon still and the point still stands. (There are several more like this, these are just the ones I'm most well versed with)
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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail [you must login to view images] All hail the attacker cult! [you must login to view images] Proud follower of Amathyst's great teachings -I walk alongside Jeff to transcend the 3D realm |
Post: #4
Normal Dialga rate is low imo cause most of the Dialga's are in frozen/banned accounts and some are in inactive accounts. So it should be rated more, also ShadowRiolu rate is pretty low as its htg.
That's all I thought about it, other than that rates are pretty good Thanks for the list Big Mac :) Profile Hits: [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] |
Post: #5
I have taken all suggestions into account and raised the suggested one, by a bit. I have changed most lower ones for cursed (650, 850 etc) To 1k as suggested by rozario.
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Post: #6
This is stupid and pointless. Pretty much changing prices that were already set based on what you and other members want. And you're changing the prices of the higher rated pokemon that few active people have so that you and those people can get more out of those pokemon because that's what you want.
Post: #7
January 02, 2017 5:26:12pmvjustice1921 Wrote: This is stupid and pointless. Pretty much changing prices that were already set based on what you and other members want. And you're changing the prices of the higher rated pokemon that few active people have so that you and those people can get more out of those pokemon because that's what you want. I don't have any of the so called "high rated" promos. This isn't purely for my advantage because I have alot of promos. It's like saying zapdos gets a advantage also because he has alot of high rated promos. That's so biased [you must login to view images] |
January 03, 2017 3:36:19am (This post was last modified: January 03, 2017 3:40:36am by Tyizor.)
Post: #8
The List. *Improved*
The rate list is simply something that needs to be discussed. Attacking someone's credibility due to their character isn't productive, instead, argue your case logically.
Ex. I disagree with the raise in price for C. Vic and G.Gira. While there are a lack of them in circulation currently, that also goes for a number of other old promos that didn't receive a raise (not to mention, raztony, an active player holds onto a good number of G.Gira's so there's still a fair number of them in active circulation). Not to mention, a raise in prices for these rares causes significant stagnation in their circulation. There's not really a point in a rare that doesn't move at all (unless you have it *just* to look pretty. In which case, spriting would honestly be all that matters). What I propose: Keep them the same. I disagree with the sudden raise in all the low promos. Why? Because prices are based on coins, a currency that's currently ridiculously limited. If we're going to raise prices, do it in moderation (650>750 or 800. 1k is a 350 coin raise or nearly a 50% increase. That's huge). My proposal (this will be unpopular): Decrease the rate for almost everything to match the shortage in coins. ^What do I mean by "almost"? If people are willing to pay the full price in coins for it, leave it the same. If not, it needs to be changed. I disagree with the rates of S/R. Dialga. Why? Because I have yet to see one go for 70k let alone 95k. You're considered lucky if you get rid of it for 50k. The reason behind this is how common they are and how S. Dialga's sprite in particular is... questionable. Spriting is a factor that's opinionated, but most people would agree that S. Dialga needed some serious work. Edit: Also, my credibility has also been attacked for "coming back only a few days ago" (I'm a player that quit and came back recently for the funsies). While this is true, I ask that everyone point out flaws in what I say rather than questioning how knowledgeable I may be. A valid point shouldn't lose any credibility just because the person who says it isn't considered credible. This goes for everyone. I implore everyone to attack arguments rather than character. Calling people selfish, greedy, stupid, etc. gets things nowhere.
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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail [you must login to view images] All hail the attacker cult! [you must login to view images] Proud follower of Amathyst's great teachings -I walk alongside Jeff to transcend the 3D realm |
Post: #9
agree with tyizor
making rates smaller instead of larger would make the trading base a lot more active because no one really buys pokemon for coins anymore only the players with a load of coins can afford to buy a couple pokemon and it's not even worth it [you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images] GET RAVIN', NERDS [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] |
Post: #10
January 03, 2017 4:06:51amJeffrey0 Wrote: agree with tyizor Yeah, i completely agree. But, if people are going to complain about the raises, then they're gonna complain about the price drop. But I agree with this [you must login to view images] |
Post: #11
Just some notes I wanted to make regarding the list. C. celebi has been posted twice for 3.2 k and 4k. Just wanted to know what the supposed rate for it should be. In addition, I can't seem to find the rate for s. snowrunt.
Please also rate me on how I'm doing as I try my best to help other people.
[you must login to view images] Made by lychai, thanks! [you must login to view images] Made by harmony and it looks sweet, thanks! |
Post: #12
January 03, 2017 9:14:01pmkynci22 Wrote: Just some notes I wanted to make regarding the list. C. celebi has been posted twice for 3.2 k and 4k. Just wanted to know what the supposed rate for it should be. In addition, I can't seem to find the rate for s. snowrunt. C. Celebi was around 3k when I was active (1-2 years back), so 4k is probably a safe bet.
[you must login to view images]
^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail [you must login to view images] All hail the attacker cult! [you must login to view images] Proud follower of Amathyst's great teachings -I walk alongside Jeff to transcend the 3D realm |
Post: #13
January 03, 2017 9:14:01pmkynci22 Wrote: Just some notes I wanted to make regarding the list. C. celebi has been posted twice for 3.2 k and 4k. Just wanted to know what the supposed rate for it should be. In addition, I can't seem to find the rate for s. snowrunt. ShadowSnorunt rates 5k. I think it might be that you accidentally got the spelling of it incorrect |
Post: #14
Typo on shadowRalts
Caught it when I accidentally typed sah instead of sha XD
[you must login to view images]
^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail [you must login to view images] All hail the attacker cult! [you must login to view images] Proud follower of Amathyst's great teachings -I walk alongside Jeff to transcend the 3D realm |
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