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Pokemon Creed Forums < Oddish's Off-Topic < Whose that Blocked Player!
Whose that Blocked Player!
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Whose that Blocked Player!
July 05, 2017 6:27:12am
    Post: #1 
Whose that Blocked Player!

So, I decided to have a little fun and see who blocked who within the RPG.

This is a friendly game. Mostly so people can right, their wrongs on other players. We all know some people get blocked due to; Stupid Trades, Pms etc. SO this mini-game is so people can show who they've blocked and so these people can become unblocked.


1. No Flaming/Harassing Players about their blocked.
2. Only post people in your block list.
3. No arguing
4. Have Fun

DISCLAIMER: This game is purely for fun. Not what so ever, is this game used to bash or humiliate other players.

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July 10, 2017 6:26:27pm (This post was last modified: July 10, 2017 6:28:06pm by EvePandora.)
    Post: #2 
Whose that Blocked Player!
Alright, I have five on mine;

Tubsy Gaming for trying to scam off 2000 coins, ajwhitford for harassing me about a promo "(buy my promo!)", Hatergirl (Cool Julian's side account, so I blocked him too) for asking people to send p*rn to him IN HIS SIGNATURE, and Alphaaa for being a total troll to a select few and turning every one of my threads into a shaming thread "(You're an idiot for doing this, stop doing nonsense threads, don't bump.)"

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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July 28, 2017 2:09:37pm
    Post: #3 
Eh thread title needs a correction?
[Not yet ready to feel big mac's wrath 0.0]

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