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Pokemon Creed Forums < Player Disputes < Our side of the story
Our side of the story
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Our side of the story
June 21, 2018 11:37:31pm (This post was last modified: June 22, 2018 1:42:38am by NoHaxPlz.)
    Post: #1 
Our side of the story
aight, so evolutions2 is blowing this WAY out of proportion, so ima write Clanless and my side of the story
a few days ago, clanless descided to ironicly send "ur gay" to a couple of players
no harm in that right?
well aparently he chose an over sensitive player, because now were being acused of "discrimination"
im spammed with PMs each day from evolutions2, trying to prove, that our actions are considered harasment, discimination, and ****ist
to pretty much disprove every point hes made against us, i have this video
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this video pretty much explains that comedy, for the sake of comedy, has no limits
and to the moderators taking action against us, watch the video before pursuing futher action against me and my brother
remember, clanless sent this as a JOKE (or comedy) not meaning it to be homphobic, or harasment in any way
with that, i rest my case

never mind, a few edits i need to make:
1st off, he argues that being called gay, is discrimination, really? is it now

discrimination is: "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or ****"

the treatment clanless was expressing toward evolutions2, wasnt unjust, or prejudicial, because he thought evolutions2 was gay, he called him gay, as an ironic joke

evolutions2 also argues that in some places being gay is a crime, and that by calling him gay, we are somehow "verbally abusing" him.

verbal abuse, is when someone forcefully insults someone, and as i already stated, clanless was NOT insulting evolutions2, by calling him gay, because theres nothing wrong with being gay, unless youre a homophobe (maybe evo2 is, idk)

back to the "gay is a crime"stuff, unless you believe in it, its not a crime. And it certanly isnt on creed (last time i checked)

this whole thing is stupid, being told as if we told him to rot in hell or something
we calling gay in a comedic sense, his fault for taking it personally, and as verbal abuse
creed dosnt need that type of verbal sensitivity in its community

if the mods are going to ban anyone else, ban evo2, not clanless, my post proves clanless's innocence

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June 22, 2018 3:02:59am
    Post: #2 
gonna be evolustions2 for a bit
im being verbaly abused, i IMPLORE YOU to ban evolutions2
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oh, and evolutions2, youve already said EVERYTHING you said in your post "my side of the story"
so dont flater yourself by stealing my titles and ideas

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