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Level Cap.
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Level Cap.
February 04, 2012 2:36:00pm
    Post: #1 
Level Cap.
What is the point of the Level Cap?

I don't see the point in Level Cap any more. There is over 1000 level 1000s in game. If you want training done, its just simple to loan the pokemon to someone with a high level and surpass the level cap. You can still get your Pokemon back at that high level. What's the difference in loan that persons high level and doing it yourself? In my opion Level Cap needs to be scraped now. Its annoying because you can't trade leveled Pokemon, 1bill now rates 1000 coins now.

So vote:

Yes it should be gone and why -

No it shouldn't be gone and why -

I vote for it to go :). Now you decide.

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February 04, 2012 3:01:05pm
    Post: #2 
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February 04, 2012 3:08:19pm
    Post: #3 
Level 1000s are rating next to nothing everyday. It was to keep the economy of them to stay at a stable rate. Now you could just loan any Pokemon to Jamjov or Zapdos, within 5 mins they have have a lv 1000. So its no different in asking someone to do a training job. So I think its just pointless being there.
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February 04, 2012 3:14:30pm
    Post: #4 
Yes it should be gone there is no point having it as you said you just loan at lower than level 3k and get it back past 4k if you wanted.
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February 04, 2012 3:15:14pm
    Post: #5 
yes i dont know dont have a level 1000 lol

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February 04, 2012 3:53:07pm
    Post: #6 
No, the whole idea of the level cap added was to make high levels coming into the game slower.
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February 04, 2012 4:08:56pm
    Post: #7 
How is it slower? I got pikachu1234 to train my lv 3.6k gira to 4.1k before. Everyone just trades high lvs through races. Imo its not needed no more as there are ways around beating the lv cap.
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February 04, 2012 4:12:25pm
    Post: #8 
If everyone just trades through races, then we'll add a racing cap.
It's slower because if you want a high level trained, you have to loan something that doesn't go over the cap.
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February 04, 2012 4:18:29pm
    Post: #9 
Well that sounds better if you put a cap on races. But I can loan a lv 5 to either zapdos, jamjov or dream. They can get it to 10k and I still can take it back. So how would you stop that? :D.
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February 04, 2012 4:19:43pm
    Post: #10 
It would fit with my being slower statement.
And it would cost quite a lot.
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February 04, 2012 4:22:42pm
    Post: #11 
Haha :p. Its not that much slower.
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September 26, 2012 12:41:11pm
    Post: #12 
hey sparky if u ssend me 300 coins ill be on ur side on this
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March 07, 2013 9:24:48pm
    Post: #13 
Yes it should be gone and why - I think it should be gone Because its realy annoying when you are doing actions and you cant buy the pokemon you realy want

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March 07, 2013 9:34:02pm
    Post: #14 
Jim, what the heck? :P

As for Spark, I gotta agree with Dualot on this one. The trade cap was made so that new people (including me) would not be able to level up their trainer levels so much in one day.
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March 07, 2013 9:34:04pm
    Post: #15 
i say no becasue then i dont see a point for me getting my trainer lvl higher
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