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3DS or IPhone?
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3DS or IPhone?
April 07, 2012 9:29:51am
    Post: #1 
3DS or IPhone?
I can only afford one- Which one do you recommend I get? Baring in mind all my family have IPhones and no one has a 3DS. My internet connection is brilliant too.

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April 10, 2012 7:18:53pm
    Post: #2 
Wow, that's a tough one, since I have both, I would reccomend the iPhone, because you can find the iTunes cards and other accesorries at more places than the 3DS cards, plus there are way more things to do on it, and it's a phone, and you could do some really neat stuff with it, but the 3DS is cool to, but you're probably better off with the phone. (By the way, the 4 and 4s are way more expensive than the 3Gs, but the 3Gs isn't much of a difference, the 4 is a little more expensive but the only difference is it has FaceTime as far as I know, and the 4s's only difference is it has FaceTime too, but it has Siri.)

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April 10, 2012 9:50:55pm
    Post: #3 
If you wanna spend the cash then totally the iPhone. If you are a gamer go for the 3DS
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April 13, 2012 10:15:05pm
    Post: #4 
depends on wat kind of IPhone

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April 14, 2012 12:19:14am
    Post: #5 
i agree with ultracloud but i have a iphone 4s and it is pro[/size]
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April 16, 2012 12:34:30pm
    Post: #6 
You guys out-rate me!!! I've got the 3GS. I'm 11 though, and my mom has a 4S.

I Harry Potter Series!!! Harry Potter 4-eva!!!!!! Harry Potter outrates !!!!
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December 28, 2012 4:41:50am
    Post: #7 
3DS is good. As well as IPhone. Both are Great.

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December 28, 2012 6:08:01am
    Post: #8 
3ds i prefer the 3ds but the latter is also good
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December 28, 2012 6:34:48am
    Post: #9 
IPhone of course, as the 3DS is just so crappy. It actually hurts your eyes when the three dimensional feature is turned on and it's even made children and adults get massive headaches, unlike the IPhone. Of course, there are drawbacks to them both, namely the 3DS of course.
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