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June 03, 2012 3:16:08am
    Post: #301 
Ale house - I'm interested in all kinds of rares, I just don't want to trade the things I like for it, especially the legends. And I'll pass also on the offer.
DVstorage - If you have rares and want to trade it for promos, sure.
heyheyhey - Could you create? I'll complete when I'm on,
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June 03, 2012 3:56:56am
    Post: #302 
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June 03, 2012 4:02:05am
    Post: #303 
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June 03, 2012 7:09:53am (This post was last modified: June 03, 2012 7:10:41am by Deadly Vortex.)
    Post: #304 
"June 02, 2012 11:16:08pm""Yuuna" Wrote:  
DVstorage - If you have rares and want to trade it for promos, sure.

that's a bit of a big range... i mean rare legends rare as in gender or rare as in game status.. i mean i got a l.pichu only 4 in game and is rated by creed for about 100k wile a pokemon that is in game over 100 times is vallue'd over 120k

so i don't go by creed or rather greed's vallue rates...

so please be a bit more specific in what ur asking

btw if ur confused it's still me DV stand's for Deadly Vortex

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June 03, 2012 7:28:38am (This post was last modified: June 03, 2012 7:29:37am by Yuuna.)
    Post: #305 
By rare I mean low numbers in game, but as I follow the rate list, it'd be pretty hard to come up with a deal. :[
edit; don't want rare gendered ones, my ShadowArticuno is pretty much undervalued.
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June 03, 2012 7:38:06am
    Post: #306 
blegh problems are only created when putting a price on something :) besides a trading system works waaaay better without anything that has a man made currency vallue...

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June 03, 2012 8:29:03am
    Post: #307 
I'd follow that philosophy only if I didn't quit this game for a long time. :< But since I did, it's pretty hard to adjust without a good basis for things.
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June 03, 2012 8:36:56am
    Post: #308 
lol i get that.. didn't know alot of ppl that would actually know i use philosophy prolly cos i also use sarcasm hehe

anyhow.. it's def not creed alone ok it's the thing i am playing most currently cept for black ops on my ps3

but there it does not go arround money or other man made currency (besides the cash u earn to buy better weapons) but that does not bring alot of greedyness along with it.. just a highly competitive group ofplayers willing to slaughter others :P

i dislike ALL kind's of human created vallue on a piece of freakin syntethic paper... a few digets on it and it magicly does *POOF* and it's worth 500 euro :S

the only thing what screwed up human life more than man made currency is all man made religions... wich is pretty much ALL religions.. all ment to controll and brainwash gullebel persons eager to believe in a life after death or even a "god"

sorry don't mean to offend those believers u just do what u want really.. just my oppinion bout it :P

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June 03, 2012 8:53:26am
    Post: #309 
Yes, I do understand what you mean, and to a point, agree with you.
But the thing is, man-made currencies can't be avoided because we ourselves unconsciously follow these whether we like it or not. :< Best thing we could do about this is learn from our mistakes and make our own basis, for what we think is right.
And from your example, I do believe in God, but I don't really support religion as well, too much drama in my opinion. Why can't people just believe in something without being 'grouped' into specific sectors? ;x

So yeah, until I've decided I know a bit more about this place, I'll follow the norms first. xD
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June 03, 2012 9:07:09am
    Post: #310 
yes i seen some horrific thing from past and even recently all becouse groupsof believers do not agree with other groups of different believers..

i am absolutely positive that we can all live side by side.. like me i do not particular believe in a god that created the world while science has proved about how planets are created

still i let them be and believe in whatever they wish to believe in to make our lives on hell a little more acceptable for me it is reincarnation.. and like me not believing in a single godlike creation there are also alot of ppl who don't believe in rencarnation.. wilst there ismore proof of reincarnaton than there is proof of god existing or existed.. even jezus is made up cos some say he's black some say he's white.. so who to believe.. i choose neither until i see it for myself

but there has been more murders and war over a religion than there were death's over persons believing in reincarnation..

if we all accept we lve here on earth simply becouse the conditions for sustaining life on this planet is perfect.. of we were a lil further or closer to the sun we would have been either a second jupiter or a second mars... but still we take life for granted and destroy the whole planet.. and for what??? for a couple of hectre's land or even start a freakin war by destroying your own twin towers just to b able to go to war for some freakin oil

anyhow christianity is prolly just as bad as the islam take for instance the children crusade from 1212

IF and i mean IF a god existed wouldn't he himself stop that?? arrn't children our future??? yet we do all things possible to do the opposit and mostly for greed or power

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June 03, 2012 9:14:49am
    Post: #311 
True, let's just respect each other's opinions. Why can't everyone do that instead? :<

Just because you don't believe other people's belief doesn't mean you have the right to attack or flame their beliefs, right? It's really sad how people could sooo judgmental of other people because of this.

I believe in the Christian God, but I do not fully support the religion. I base my belief on faith alone, not because of some organized religion told me to do so. I guess my only explanation to this would be that the so-called God wants us to have freedom and independently choose and make decisions. I mean, if he really hated us, wouldn't the world be over right now? It's just the balance of good and bad; some people have it well, some people don't.

It's true that I cannot explain his existence in tangibility or visibility, but I just believe that there's something all around us, watching over us. ;x
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June 03, 2012 9:22:44am
    Post: #312 
and there is nothing wrong with that :) aslong as u do not flame or even hurt another in anyway thinkable just for disagreeing :)

i don't feel ashamed for not believing nor i feel ashamed for the people that do believe
i don't feel hatred amongst the different believers but i am angry as no other about the fact some try to force a believe on them (not calling the believe *cough* muslims *cough* i would be happy to post info i found out today but it would be to much for most players seeing this issn't really a place nor the game to discuss such things in full detail..

but to make it short muslims tend to kidnap humans and force them to convert to islam if they refuse they kill u

but even if u accept and become one they strap a bombbelt to u and pl;ace u in a crowded area and remotely detonate the whole thing... i mean comeon.. i myself could place some ppl behind a drywall from time to time but i never actually do it :P becouse then i would think is it really needed?? no... am i going to feel relieved after i did it?? no... is it good for my future?? sure as this planet is hell no!!!! i can go on for hours and hours.. but i can understand none is waiting for it hahaha

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June 03, 2012 9:26:01am
    Post: #313 
Yes, I see what you mean. Some groups just take their beliefs too seriously, and it comes down to the extreme. I know people of different races, cultures and religions, and we get along well. I guess it just depends whether a person can respect other opinions.
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June 03, 2012 9:39:07am
    Post: #314 
indeed and personally i blame parent's becouse if u learn your child from the beginning to respect all opinions and never to judge solely on someone's believes and sustain that for all children the 2nd generation after the newest generation would be totally different and WILL accept others as they are...

but most importantly is the fact we all must be able to state their opinion and others take is as it is i mean discussions are normal like this is kind of a discussion.. and still i can be respectful about your believe even though i am not truly finding myself believing that but then again like u said i am a thinker or philosopher not a fighter i am able to fight don't get me wrong.. but i strongly believe in knowing that the power of the mind surpasses even the strength of daimonds just to b able to think of multiple solutions to whatever problems this planet throws at us together with all our brain we should be able to conour all problems created by nature..
look at the dutch for example most of the netherlands lies below the seabed or how u call it but we still live dry every day why well atleast not becouse we created a war about relegion

not that i say the netherlands is perfect.. by a long shot.. as long as there are diplomat's ruling over country's and thus other ppl's mind there will never be any positive results... i blame politics for ruining our current lives while i blame religion to do that and cut down technologie by atleast 100 years in the past...

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June 03, 2012 1:50:05pm
    Post: #315 
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