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Anti-Macro & DDoS Protection Improvements
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Anti-Macro & DDoS Protection Improvements
May 08, 2012 3:51:32pm
    Post: #1 
Anti-Macro & DDoS Protection Improvements
Just a small update informing you about the new anti-macro detection.

A long time ago many players were banned for macroing. However there were some players finding ways to bypass this detection.

Recently you might have already noticed that some of the top players have been banned for macroing.

I have ensured that these people have actually been detected by the system correctly. So how is it detected? It is kept a secret.

There are infact several detection methods taken in place to help maintain a fair environment.

So far around twenty odd players have been permanently banned with this new anti-macro detection.

Also, there were some times where the game was not accessible/offline, this is due to DDoS spam. There is also some improvements in the firewall of this server to reduce the effects of DDoS, however to allow this game to run smoothly without going offline or lagging due to even more DDoS attacks I will be upgrading it soon. I do not know who is DDoSing it and for what reason, but it is quite annoying. -_-

Thanks, have a nice day,
Da Man

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