
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Ideas/Suggestions < Suggest your LUCKY DIPS here!
Suggest your LUCKY DIPS here!
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Suggest your LUCKY DIPS here!
October 06, 2013 4:10:45pm
    Post: #646 
you take a dip into warilord stomach warilord sneazed and you came out warilord sow you angryly you ran from there you fall down into the dump and you got $200,000

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October 06, 2013 6:32:57pm
    Post: #647 
you take a dip... wailord is sick. you give it a hyper potion, healing wailord. as an award for caring, wailord gives you 60 coins!
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October 06, 2013 7:12:20pm
    Post: #648 
you take a dip... you crash into wailord's stomach and he throws up 50 coins!
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October 06, 2013 7:26:36pm
    Post: #649 
you take a dip... wailord swallows you whole. in his stomach you find 60 coins!
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October 06, 2013 11:28:57pm
    Post: #650 
you take a dip... you hit wailords eye and you find 60 coins!
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October 07, 2013 11:58:54am
    Post: #651 
you take a dip warilord attack you pikachu came out to save by attack of warilord pikachu collaspe you ran to save pikachu while running you down in the sea and you found a water stone

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Come to my clan Planet Creed LF members who can train
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October 07, 2013 2:07:14pm
    Post: #652 
Suddenly, Wailord de-evolves! Wailord turns back into a Wailmer, and since it's not as big, it can't handle the objects inside it! It explodes into $12,885!

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go here for training your pokes:-[you must login to view links]

Come to my clan Planet Creed LF members who can train
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October 07, 2013 4:04:11pm
    Post: #653 
you take a dip pikachu appear he attack you with trackle and you fallen down palkia appear palkia try to kill you somehow you try to escape from there while running u got 50 coins

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go here for training your pokes:-[you must login to view links]

Come to my clan Planet Creed LF members who can train
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October 07, 2013 7:53:12pm
    Post: #654 
You take a dip...Wailord gets annoyed about having you constantly sticking your hands in his stomach and swallows you whole, You come out wailord's Butt and find 90 coins!

My favorite ghirahim quote

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[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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October 07, 2013 7:55:44pm
    Post: #655 
You take a dip...You fall inside of wailord and go into the wrong area! you find out that wailord is Female and obtain a Level 5 wailmer!

My favorite ghirahim quote

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[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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October 08, 2013 3:55:25am
    Post: #656 
you take a dip... Wailord swallows you whole. You meet Jonah and he gives you $30000 and 50 coins
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October 08, 2013 4:09:26am
    Post: #657 
you take a dip... you fall through wailords blowhole and in to his belly. you discover the Pokemon pikachu!
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October 08, 2013 5:13:21am
    Post: #658 
You took a dip! Jack Sparrow caught Wailord in a net at Caribbean sea. You rescued him and he awarded you with ...

To gain list:
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All I do is. ART!!

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October 11, 2013 1:59:40pm
    Post: #659 
you take a dip... you shoot wailord in the eye. it disappears, revealing 30060 points!
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October 11, 2013 2:06:17pm
    Post: #660 
You take a dip... Darkrai came out out and you tried to catch him.. Instead he uses Dream Eater on you! When you wake up you find out ............ under your pillow!

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Take a wish in My Wishing Well

Awesome peoples-

You opened the 6th box of calender and you reacieved Shiny Grimer!

Shiny Grimer- M
Level- 5

You opened the 8th box of calender and you find Shiny Nosepass!

Shiny Nosepass- F
Level- 5

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