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Trade Points, Banned Rankings, Move Threads, Security Questions
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Trade Points, Banned Rankings, Move Threads, Security Questions
July 21, 2012 10:38:39am
    Post: #1 
Trade Points, Banned Rankings, Move Threads, Security Questions

Just done some more updates as you can see from the title, the difficult part was thinking of a title, but wasn't so difficult after using some common sense. -_-

Trade Points: Self explanatory, I don't think I need much explaining on this one.

Banned Rankings: Yes, I've decided to finally remove banned people from the rankings after finding an efficient way to filter them.

Move Threads: You can now move threads upon reaching a certain amount of posts, see Forum Perks sticky under the Questions/Help section in the forums for more information.

Security Question: You now get a nice little security question you can set up just incase you lose access to your account. Be sure to make it difficult to guess like your password and remember it character for character.

That's all for now. Keep on voting, as this is what keeps the mad amount of updates in the game.

Love you all,
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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