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Laboratory, Game/Battle System Recoded, Battle Towers
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Laboratory, Game/Battle System Recoded, Battle Towers
April 12, 2011 9:53:55am
    Post: #1 
Laboratory, Game/Battle System Recoded, Battle Towers
Hey guys!

Just wanted to spread the word (in case you haven't logged on recently) that Pokemon Creed's battle system has been completely updated!

Here is a quick rundown of what has gone on:
1. A better level formula has been introduced into the game, which is more efficient and better than the old formula, and stopping some lag in battling.
Any levels your pokemon have had are converted over to their new levels!

2. The battle systems - gyms/battle tent/etc. have been completely recoded, it is now much faster and loads pretty much instantly.

3. Much of the game has been recoded, it's now very much faster, even with the Team Tab left open (did lag before).

4. NobleVillain's laboratory has opened up!
It's available on the main left tab of the game Professor Oak and Giovanni need some help collecting certain pokemon for their research, and they may reward you very nicely.

[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images]

5. There is now a Cursed Tower and Golden Tower. Go battle away and find out what mystery prize is at the top!

[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images]

More updates to come.

If anything else big happens, we'll be sure to let you know.
So go out there and enjoy the new and improved Pokemon Creed!

I'm training again, so I'll see you at the top


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