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New Trade System + Tab Titles + Recoding
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New Trade System + Tab Titles + Recoding
August 29, 2012 4:16:33pm (This post was last modified: August 29, 2012 4:24:47pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
New Trade System + Tab Titles + Recoding

/sprites/GoldenLugia.png /sprites/LuminousAbsol.png
There is a new trade system which has been fully recoded and is now more stable, efficient and has a little more features.
You can now trade multiple different items at a time, and also loan multiple pokemon in one trade.

Loaned Pokemon also gain their former nickname back once returned to the original owner.

Another update is that in each page, the title of the page is displayed on the tab.
Most pages have this feature, the rest will be done in time.

Finally, each feature of the game will be fully recoded to stop glitches, increase efficiency, features, and so forth.

By organising and recoding the coding of the game, this will allow future coding to be much quicker.
For example, if your room was tidy, you can find things quicker than if it was messy, this is the same case with coding.

The next updates will be related to recoding/adding another feature to an existing feature and also 50/50 trades.

Clan updates will likely to be after that and also battle-related features.

Hope you enjoy the constant updates,
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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