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50/50 Trades & Nicknames
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50/50 Trades & Nicknames
August 30, 2012 10:25:38am
    Post: #1 
50/50 Trades & Nicknames

Some cool updates to announce, here they are.

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50/50 Trades, this is just like the 50/50 games/racing, however there are less limits and is private.
While doing a 50/50 trade, you have a 50% chance of winning what the other person is offering in their side of the trade and keeping what your side of the trade for yourself.
And the other 50% chance you will lose your side of the trade without gaining the other side.

On release of the 50/50 trade, there was a glitch that if you create a normal trade, you could not loan/trade items, this has been fixed.

Another update is the nickname system (ALPHA release), the display is similar to those of a DS console.
There is a better version on my LAN (computer) but the basic raw is uploaded to Pokemon Creed servers in order for the feature to be thoroughly tested.

Enjoy the updates, have a nice day!

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