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Cursed/Shiny Icons + Manage NFT Pokemon + Ajax Rankings
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Cursed/Shiny Icons + Manage NFT Pokemon + Ajax Rankings
September 16, 2012 10:34:34am (This post was last modified: September 16, 2012 10:40:14am by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Cursed/Shiny Icons + Manage NFT Pokemon + Ajax Rankings

Just some updates to announce.

New Icons! Cursed and shiny. At the moment, some cursed icons don't look satisfactory, so there will be a icon complaint thread for Cursed Pokemon soon.
Most of the shiny icons have been added so far, but not all of them yet.

Onto the manage NFT pokemon update, you can now block trade offerings for certain pokemon, more information on Manage Trades->Manage NFT Pokemon.

I also added some Ajax to other rankings, for instance, Average Level Rankings.

Next updates are mostly recoding for site speed and ease of access, there will be less updates than I did on the summer holidays due to college - since I took F/Maths and Physics. I also have to stay back after school many times per fortnight for two subjects I've taken for A-Level. It is just the way my school does things for certain subjects.

This is why updates will be most likely released in weekends or holidays where I have more free time because college is a lot of work, nevertheless I'll still try my best to keep the site updated.

It has already been two weeks into college and this is the update frequency you should be expecting while I'm in college.

Have a nice day!
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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