
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < Have you ever cried when watching a PKMN episode?
Have you ever cried when watching a PKMN episode?
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Have you ever cried when watching a PKMN episode?
November 25, 2012 4:02:18pm
    Post: #16 
I don't think an episode did. But when I was little the mewtwo movie made my eyes water.

I'm Pikachu461. I am not trading or selling any of my Goletts or Golurks. I'm looking for a Shadow Riolu/Lucario. Please PM me if you have one for trade or sale. I'm currently accepting all friend request, just talk to me once in a while
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November 25, 2012 8:47:41pm
    Post: #17 
During the first movie my eyes watered a bit. Can't remember if I cried or not though.
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November 26, 2012 2:15:16am
    Post: #18 
Pokemon the movie 2000- Somewhere near the climax when the pokemon start attacking each other and Ash "dies" :P and Pikachu starts crying and the copies (the puer evil ones Mewtwo got, and I DO mean PURE EVIL) start to cry too Man i HATE it when cute things cry. Their tears are contagious :p

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November 26, 2012 4:10:24am (This post was last modified: November 26, 2012 4:11:59am by evanjan.)
    Post: #19 
Have you ever cried when watching a PKMN episode?
November 12, 2012 8:08:53pmAcee Wrote:  lol the butterfree episode got me

Same to me
also when ash's charizard was kept in Charific valley

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December 22, 2012 4:03:42pm
    Post: #20 
never watching pokemon but sometimes other series

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December 22, 2012 5:12:38pm
    Post: #21 
Butterfree and ralts

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December 22, 2012 5:32:01pm
    Post: #22 
i cried when i watched this movie [you must login to view links]

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December 22, 2012 6:20:03pm
    Post: #23 
a episode made me cry... its called Time warp heals all wounds! it made e cry when the ladys husband died while the lady was pregnant. the man died in a train accident... but May went back in time and she made it snow so the train ride would be canceled. the lady came and told him that she was pregnant and May went back in time and the man was there.

Don't judge me... I'm a Minecraft fanatic.
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December 22, 2012 6:21:35pm (This post was last modified: December 22, 2012 6:22:11pm by xpietju.)
    Post: #24 
Have you ever cried when watching a PKMN episode?
I only cried once...

The movie of Mew and Lucario... Lucario and Ash use their aura to save a big tree with many many many pokemon and Mew and their friends (misty, brock etc.) wich will cost their lives. Ash wants to help but Lucario pushes him away and does it alone and dies while Ash stays alive.

Actualy, I never saw the mewtwo movie u guys are talking 'bout

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December 22, 2012 8:55:35pm
    Post: #25 
the breeding season of butterfrie struck my heart as well as the traiding btw butterfree and ratata......then the revenge of infernape against electivire
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December 23, 2012 12:12:21pm
    Post: #26 
i never cried when watching a pokemon movie till now, the only animated movie i almost cried while watching was Doraemon in Nobita's Steel Troops.


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December 23, 2012 1:22:43pm
    Post: #27 
no.. but i have gone lol
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December 25, 2012 2:57:25am
    Post: #28 
all of em are bull****
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December 29, 2012 6:31:29pm
    Post: #29 
My eyes did water when Lucario died from the Movie Lucario and the mistry of mew
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May 07, 2013 11:55:02pm
    Post: #30 
I cried multiple times when I was younger watching Bye-Bye Butterfree,Pikachu's Goodbye, Sweet Baby James ( where James had to leave his Chimeco because it was sick . And I always get a empty feel in my stomach after one of the companions of Ash leaves, I really hated it when they said goodbye to Brock and May, Brock because he was with Ash for so many seasons and was always funny and May because of th episode were she battled ash in that mock-contest and then leaves and for me there is no other shipping for Pokemon but AshxMay.

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